Page 34 of American Royalty
You see her?
My ass gives him Fever
“Fuck me.”
His own voice pulled him from the trance he’d fallen into.
Good God!
Thiswas who he’d chosen to perform for the charity concert in honor of his grandfather?
He clicked off the video and set his phone facedown next to him, as if even the empty screen would tempt him to go back and watch more.
What had he done?
Pleasure filtered from his desire, leaving anger in its wake.
It hadn’t been his idea to participate in the goddamned event. His agitation, born from Marina’s blindsiding, and his reluctance to submit to her emotional blackmail were the only reasons he found himself in this situation, selecting someone he hadn’t thoroughly vetted first. He always did his research. Always. It was something he prided himself on. He never made a move without considering every possible consequence.
And the one time he did, it wasn’t a minor blunder, like purchasing a car without the proper safety features or accepting an invitation to a party only to learn it was a setup with a daughter of oneof the Tea Trust members. No, he went major, essentially inviting a stripper to perform at an official royal concert!
He’d have to keep Julian away from her while she was here.
The prospect scrambled his insides, leaving his thoughts muddy. Save one sparkling clean, pristine concern.
Forget Julian. After what you just saw, who’s going to keepyouaway from her?