Page 86 of American Royalty
Chapter Fifteen
“Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by Imagination.”
Aweek later, Jameson held Dani close, one hand on her hip, the other on her arm. “Are you peeking?”
Dani touched the front of her blindfold. “No! I told you I can’t see shit!”
“Good,” he said, continuing to move at an unhurried pace while he guided her to their secret destination.
“Jay! Dammit, where are you taking me?”
Despite the demand of her words, the apprehension he sensed in her tone and her frame tugged at his heart. Two weeks ago he didn’t know her, but now he was as familiar with her body as he was with his own. He’d learned her shivers of delight, her moans of pleasure, the hitch of breath right before she came.
And he appreciated that there was so much more to the woman than the persona. So much so that he was ashamed of what he’d previously thought about her, how unfairly he’d judged her without even knowing her.
Seeing the blinding white structure up ahead he said, “We’re almost there.”
“This had better be good.”
It would be and he hoped she liked it. It had taken a few phone calls and he’d pulled some strings he didn’t know he had, but in the end, it had all come together.
“This is it. I’m going to take off your mask,” he said, undoing the ribbon. “But keep your eyes closed.”
“This may have worked in bed the other night, but I don’t like it in public.”
He couldn’t contain his smile remembering the fun they’d had engaging the different senses. How had he ever lived without having a—what had she called it?—peppermint fatty?
A young woman stepped out of the structure. “Everything’s ready.”
Dani jumped. “We’re not alone? Did she hear me?”
“No. It’s okay.”
Stuffing the black satin mask in his pocket, he moved to stand beside her. “Open your eyes.”
Her lashes fluttered and she took a moment to acclimate herself. She frowned. “Where are we?”
Anticipation and excitement merged within him as he cupped her shoulders and turned her around.
She immediately recognized the white tent. “Wait a minute. Is this—? It is! It’sThe Great UK Baking Championshiptent!”
Her obvious joy—evidenced by her jumping up and down, laughing and clapping—charmed him more than he’d expected. As did his continued pleasure in doing things for her. Seeing her happy made him happy.
She flung her arms around his neck, and when their lips met, the familiar languor, which only she caused, invaded his body. Hertaste, her smell, her feel. He wanted more. More of her. More of this.
More of everything.
“Sorry,” she said, pulling away, breathless.
Her eyes were hazy, her lips moist. He loved how she didn’t hide the effect he had on her. Especially because he couldn’t.
“You never have to apologize for your kisses.”
“Good to know,” she murmured. She rubbed her thumb over his bottom lip. “I probably shouldn’t have done that outside.”
Probably not, but they hadn’t left Primrose Park and security officers discreetly patrolled the borders of his property. The only people around were his usual estate staff. They should be fine. But in the future and off his property, he simply needed to be more careful and keep his head about him. Which was difficult when being with her led to an intoxicating scramble of his thoughts.