Page 89 of The Second Husband
“I understand her role. I was wondering how they got along?”
“Uh, very well. He thought she did a great job.”
Does this question mean that the police might suspect Tom? She waits on alert, fearing what might come next.
“Okay, thanks for coming in” is all Hartwick says.
As Emma hurries from the station, she can feel that the back of her dress is wet from nervous sweat. And for good reason. She’s not only lied to the police, but if the scarf Tom took to Goodwilldidbelong to Taylor, Emma’s withholding information that could help solve the murder.
The garage is still empty when she pulls into it ten minutes later, which means Tom must still be at work. She decides to change her dress inside the house before returning to the studio.
But someone is home. Emma discovers that the alarm has been deactivated, which must mean Brittany came back before Tom. She should at least check on the girl, make sure she’s okay.
Emma steps from the small passageway into the kitchen and jerks back in surprise. Tom is sitting on the banquette in the kitchen with a can of Diet Coke in front of him.
He glances up, and locks eyes with her, his face unsmiling. She’s not sure at first why he’s sitting there like that, but then she realizes: He’s been waiting for her.