Page 55 of The German Wife
“Truthfully, Sofie, it would be a relief,” he admitted, staring down into his wine. His shoulders were stiff, his expression taut. In the time that passed since he took that “miracle” job, my husband had aged. There were fine lines around his eyes and bags beneath them.
“Has it not been going well?”
“Hitler is rebuilding the German military. It will be public knowledge soon.” I gasped in shock. “Otto says that Hitler expects the world will sit idly by, and then the remilitarization will snowball.The rocket program has made incredible gains, but that only means that if they asked us to weaponize the technology, we could do so in just a few years. I’ve been trying to figure out how to extract myself for some time, but it’s not going to be easy,” he admitted, dropping his voice to a whisper. “They need me too much. They’ll never let me walk away. We’d have to do this quickly and quietly. If you’re serious about this—”
“I am,” I blurted.
Our eyes locked over the wine. He nodded.
“Saturday. We’ll pick a border, find the back roads, and pretend we’re just going for a drive.”
“If we’re doing this, we need to do it right away.”
“Okay,” I breathed, my heart rate accelerating.
“Talk to Mayim tomorrow. I’ll talk to Adele. Other than that, we cannot breathe a word of it.”