Page 2 of Sweet Talker
Come on Sara, what are you doing? Move!
My heart races. My head spins. I push off the wall, but when I try to move away, I can’t. My feet remain rooted in place. Suddenly, the ground beneath me gives way. I slump like a ragdoll and drop, but strong armswrap around me, saving me from the fall.
“Whoa, easy there.” His voice is an anchor cutting through the fog in my mind.
“Are you okay?” A broad smile spreads across his handsome face, his white teeth striking against his dark beard.
“No, no, I’m going to die.” My legs wobble as I shake my head no, tension building to a crescendo inside me. I swallow around the tightness in my throat.
“Easy. I know it feels bad but trust me, you are not going to die.” He wraps him arm around my waist, and holds me close, rubbing my back in long, soothing strokes.
He grabs my hand and issues instructions, his tone calm. “Squeeze my fingers. That’s good,” he murmurs when I do as he asks. “It’s okay. You’re safe. You’re going to be fine.”
His warmth and deep voice help settle my nerves, and oxygen finally begins to flood my lungs. He smells delicious. Like cinnamon and honey, and something woodsy… like pine trees. It’s an odd combination, but it works for him. I’ve never been this close to someone with a beard, and where I assumed it would feel scratchy, his whiskers are surprisingly soft against my cheek.
“That’s good, now feel your feet. That’s right. Now scrunch your toes. Can you feel them curl up inside your shoes?”
His touch comforts me, but more than that, it awakens another feeling, deep down inside of me. He’s so overtly masculine, and I lean into him, burrowing into his warmth. He’s the first man outside my extended family to ever embrace me and his touch feels divine. When I realize what I’m doing, I jump, startled, and pull away from his embrace.
“I’m so embarrassed. This has never happened to me before. In front of a stranger, no less. I’m so sorry.” I turn so he can’t see my face and wipe away a stream of snot with the back of my hand. I rub my hand on the bright orange shirt, and it leaves a snail trail.
His bright blue eyes twinkle as he draws a tissue from his pocket, using it to dab my cheeks, and what are undoubtedly the streaks of mascara running down them. “There’s no need to be embarrassed.” He pulls a bottle of water from his pocket. “Take your time. Drink some water. Breathe, and remember you are okay.”
Heat prickles across my face when our eyes lock. I drop my gaze and lick my bottom lip, cursing myself for looking at his full, perfectly kissable mouth.
Even though I’m turned on like crazy, I know I’m not exactly giving off a sexy vibe. I’m a basket case. A hot guy like him would never look twice at a white-hot mess like me.
“Come with me, we’ll take the stairs.” He takes my hand, leading me to the fire stairs and escorting me outside. I immediately feel better when we reach the ground floor and I take a deep breath of fresh air.
“Do you need a ride? Or is there someone I can call to come and get you?” he asks, letting go of my hand.
My stomach is a knotted ball of heat, fear, and desire. He’s so chivalrous. “Thanks, but I’ll get an Uber.”
“Well, if you’re sure there’s nothing I can do, I need to get going,” he says. I watch as he lopes away on long legs, waiting for my heart to settle before moving. I may have messed up, but the day didn’t end horribly.
I suffered a setback, but with some help, I can train myself to see the bright side again and make the best of every situation. Except I’m all alone. Again.
Unless I count the millions of butterflies fluttering around my stomach.