Page 4 of Not Quite Roommates
Lacy swallowed and looked around the empty room. If she wanted Logan, she had to do this. She didn’t want to settle for any guy, but who cared if dreaming about a guy took her off the playing field for a while. Offers weren’t exactly pouring in for her. The last date she’d been on had been almost two years ago and had been a complete disaster. The guy thought she’d sleep with him on the first date. As if. She didn’t do random hookups.
If she wanted Logan to be it for her, she had to go all in. She could do this.
Okay,Lacy replied. I will. I’ll go all in and make him ask me out.
Good. If he’s who you think he is, he’ll be yours. If it doesn’t work out, promise you’ll give up on crushes for a while.
I love you and don’t want you to get hurt. Someone will love you for you even if it isn’t Logan.Beth’s text made her heart swell.
Got an early morning tomorrow. Night.
Love you too. Night.Lacy set her phone down.
This wasn’t like cheerleading tryouts. It wouldn’t require her to know how to do a cartwheel. Just a few small tweaks and actually talking to Logan. Okay, the talking part might be hard, but she was determined.
This weekend, she’d do research on flirting. By the time Monday morning rolled around, she’d be all over it!
Lacy turned the TV off and started her nightly checks. Most nights she ended up alone in their three-bedroom apartment. Sophie travelled and Brenda usually stayed at some guy’s place.
Lacy glanced at Jonah’s door. Would he be around? Would he even come out of his bedroom? Did she want to engage with him? After all, this was only temporary. Brenda would return eventually. Thankfully.
Lacy shook her head while she checked the locks on the door. She proceeded to the kitchen and made sure the window was closed and locked. After, she checked the windows in the living room, even though none of them had been open today. All the while, she could hear her mother’s voice reminding her that she lived in the big city now and who knew what kind of weirdos were out there.
It seemed like a good enough habit she just went with it. Better safe than sorry.
She shut off the light and moved into the hallway. After a quick trip to the bathroom, she started out and stopped as she came face-to-face with Jonah. Okay, not face-to-face. But face to very naked, very toned chest. Holy crap, he had actual six pack abs and those muscles that made a V leading into his jeans, hanging low on his hips. Any lower and she’d be able to see his. . . .
She swallowed as she tipped her head back to meet his eyes. They reminded her of the Caribbean waters near the beaches of Jamaica. This close with the bathroom light, she could see flecks of green in the blue. Guys shouldn’t be allowed to have eyes that pretty.
“I’m sorry,” she said but couldn’t exactly leave the bathroom with him right there, blocking her in.
His eyebrow rose over one eye before he took a step to the side to let her pass to her room. She inhaled a breath and caught a whiff of his cologne. He even smelled like the Caribbean, standing on a beach on a sunny day with the scent of the ocean on the breeze. A pulse of energy went through her, keying her up. Probably just remembering all the rum Beth had made her drink while they’d been in Jamaica two years ago.
He moved farther out of the way.
That chest though. . . . She’d seen pictures of guys like that and she imagined Logan was similarly shaped, but seeing it, right there, in her face had been. . . unexpected? Her fingers twitched as she wondered what those muscles felt like. Warm, firm, maybe soft. He cleared his throat and she lifted her gaze to his eyes again. A hint of amusement danced in them.
Oh, hell. She’d been caught checking him out when he was letting her pass.
She should have taken the out, but she couldn’t help her curiosity. She crossed her arms under her breasts. “Do you know Brenda well?”
He leaned against his doorframe and slid his hands into his pockets, pulling the jeans down a little farther and showing off more of his solid frame and the black waistband of his boxer briefs. She almost wiped at her chin to see if she actually drooled. A body like his would draw anyone’s attention. It didn’t mean anything.
However, she couldn’t seem to stop dropping her gaze to take in more of his golden skin stretched taut over so many muscles. So many dips and curves, her fingertips tingled. He gave a curt nod, pulling her attention back up.
What had she asked? Oh, Brenda.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” When she was nervous, words just tumbled out of her mouth. And a half naked giant in her hallway while she stood barefoot in her kitten covered pajamas made her nervous.
“I’m not looking for friends.” The low gravel of his voice hit her oddly. Warmth flowed through her and her stomach flooded with butterflies. Must be her nerves. He was a stranger. A stranger who would sleep across the hall from her tonight and for the foreseeable future.
“We don’t have to be friends.” She put one barefoot on top of the other and pulled her shoulders back. “But if you’re going to live here, we’re going to cross paths. Especially with one bathroom.”
Trying to play tough, she gestured with a jerk of her chin over her shoulder at the bathroom.
His gaze dropped to her feet and her toes curled under. She nearly squirmed from the intensity of his eyes. Her breath caught in her chest. Gah, he was gorgeous and the way he looked at her made her feel weird.
“I’ll try to stay out of your way if you stay out of mine.” His gaze met hers and she could see the determination in his as well as a coldness. Okay, not a nice guy.