Page 103 of Fireworks
He picked the beer up in his hand and took a long draw. He took his time before answering.
“No. Truth or dare?”
My words were confident but masking the trembling inside of what he may say.
“Remove a piece of clothing.”
My hand rested on my hip. He was playing dirty now and I didn’t appreciate it.
“That’s cheating. You can’t use stripping as the dare.”
He placed his empty beer bottle on the desk next to him. Folding his hands behind his head, his biceps pulsing he smirked.
“You never said that. So, it’s your dare. Or you strip your call.”
As I unbuttoned each of the tiny silver buttonson my shirt my eyes never strayed from his. Tossing my shirt to the side I was glad I’d worn a camisole today under my blouse. Narrowing my eyes on him I was out for blood.
“Truth or dare?”
My heart was pounding in my throat as I waited for him to speak.
“What’s your body count?”
He immediately grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it onto the floor.
“Seriously? You’re not going to answer that you’d rather strip?”
I was a little more annoyed than I should have been since I started this game. The rules were designed to give you an easy out when you didn’t like the question.
“My decision during my round, isn’t it? Truth or dare?”
I responded through gritted teeth. I hated that he was right. I knew this game was a mistake. There was no turning back though.
“What’s the first word that comes to mind when you think of me?”
“Asshole. Truth or dare?”
His smirk was pissing me off the longer I sat here looking at him. It wasn’t the first or last time that would be what I called him. Right now, he knew I was mad despite acting like everything was fine.
I paused, biting my lip unsure if I wanted to ask the next question but realized now was as good a time as any.
“Did you ever sleep with Sam?”
He looked away, adjusting his hat on his head running his hands over the top before they ran over the visor and down his neck.
“I’ve already answered that for you. You know the answer is no. You just wasted your turn for what to see if I was lying before? Now, truth or dare?”
“Truth obviously.”
He sat silent looking around the room like it would inspire him to come up with a good question to ask me.