Page 118 of Fireworks
“Here see.”
Ryder stopped on a photo she had snapped of Katie looking up at me, sticking her tongue out. I could hear her laughter in my bones. I remembered exactly when this photo was taken. It was her birthday. We were wandering around the fair, waiting for the fireworks to start. It was before we snuck off. She had just bet me I couldn’t eat more pieces of Mrs. Martin's famous pie than her brother. Knowing Asher could put back more than me even on a full stomach, she wasn’t pleased with me turning down the dare.
As I stared down at the photo, I wished I had still had some of her to look at. All I had were the memories I had tucked away in my mind. However, most of those memories ended with her hating me or being hurt, unlike this one, where she was genuinely happy. Closing my eyes, I wanted more than anything to turn away. My heart felt like it was in my throat.
“It’s a shame.”
Breaking my focus, I looked back up at her as she spoke.
“Katie really loved him. Well, no, that’s not true. She never stopped loving him. She’s still not the same since he’s been gone. I watch her plaster on a smile for her family, but they don’t see her cry herself to sleep still most nights. That is when she sleeps. Half the time she’s too busy thrashing around her bed to get any rest.”
Our eyes met as she lowered her voice. Almost like she wants to call my bluff.
“Too bad you aren’t him. The Nate she loved. He would rather die than spend a minute away from her knowing how it eats away at her, how she blames herself for the whole thing.”
Shoving her phone back in her pocket, she took two steps before pausing and looking back over her shoulder.
“Oh, and a word of advice; Savannah’s charity comes with a price. Be careful. It was nice meeting you, Theo, was it?”
Ryder’s words stung. Presumably she meant them to. I’m sure if she could have smacked me upside the head, she would have. Instead, she said the only thing that could rip me apart inside. It made no sense. Katie hated me. She had dared me to never think of her again. Why would she be upset that I was gone? No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible. She was all I thought about. Staying away from herwaskilling me, but it was what I thought she had wanted. Was Ryder telling me the truth? Was Katie still that upset that I was gone, even after nearly four months?
Savannah walked up behind me, grabbing my waist. Not hearing her sneak up caused me to jump more than I normally would. Turning my head over my shoulder, I tried to force a smile.
“What did Ryder want? She’s so annoying. I really hoped when she went away to college she’d stop coming by.”
Pulling Seraphina into her paddock, I closed the door.
“She was just saying hi to the horse.”
It did not calm my nerves as she interlocked her arm with mine as I continued to pray she hadn’t heard our conversation or saw her showing me her phone. Gripping me hard, her words came out more as an accusation than a statement.
“Seemed like an awful long conversation for a hello. She’s always been a thorn in my side. Been jealous of me for as long as I can remember. Ryder is the only reason her brother and I aren’t friends anymore. Don’t trust a thing she says. I’d stay away from her.”
“I don’t know. She seemed nice.”
Yanking her hand off mine, she stood in front of me, stopping our walk. Her hand slammed into my chest.
“She is not nice. How dare you ever say something like that to me? After all, I have done for you, Theo. If I tell you to stay away from her, then that’s exactly what you’ll do. Do we have an understanding?”
I had always seen the gentle and caring side of Savannah, but this jealous behavior made me pause. What the hell had I gotten myself into? Better yet, how the hell was I going to get myself out of it?