Page 14 of Fireworks
“Where the hell am I?”
Opening my eyes fully, I could instantly tell I wasn’t outside by the pool anymore.
“Clubhouse, you passed out.”
Looking over, I realized it was Nate standing next to me. His eyes were soft and filled with worry.
“She okay?”
A voice I couldn’t mistake burst into the room.
“Yeah Asher, she’s fine. Luckily, I was there to catch her, so she didn’t hit her head or anything. Pretty sure she’s just dehydrated. When’s the last time you drank something?”
I couldn’t remember now that I thought about it. Again, not something I would admit to the two of them.
“I’m fine.”
Propping myself up on my elbows, I knew that was a complete lie. I felt like shit right now, but saying that out loud would not happen.
“Bridget said she’ll cover the rest of my shift. I’ll take her home. Are your parents’ home?”
Asher shook his head no. They were talking as if I wasn’t even there.
“I’ll stay till you get back then and make sure she eats and drinks today.”
Asher patted him on the back like he was making the sacrifice of a lifetime.
“Thanks man. Don’t be a jerk to him, Katie.”
This day just kept getting better. I finally broke their conversation.
“Where’s Collin? He can take me home.”
Asher turned back to me, letting out a sarcastic laugh.
“Yeah, I’m going to let some random guy take my little sister home and take care of her after she passed out. You sure she didn’t hit her head?”
Looking over at Nate, he shook his head and walked away. Helping me to my feet, I grimaced the entire time. I didn’t want help, much lesshishelp.
Maddie rushed over as soon as she saw me emerge from the clubhouse door.
“Oh, my god! Are you okay?”
Drawing me in close for a tight hug, I shook my head yes, leaning in closer to her ear.
“Tell Collin I’ll text him.”
Pulling away, she nodded, knowing that Collin wouldn’t dare say anything if my brother or Nate were around. He stood back by the pool, a look of concern washing over his face. Still not nearly as concerned as Nate’s. My brother had given him enough dirty looks the last few weeks that he steered clear of him at all costs. I couldn’t blame him. I smiled, trying to convey the best that I could that I was okay.
“Is this all her stuff?”
Nate's hand rested on the small of my back as he grabbed the bag at Maddie’s feet. A chill running down my spine despite the heat of the day.
“Yeah, you know I can bring her home.”
Nate shook his head at Maddie’s suggestion.
“Pretty sure last time you were in charge of her, I ended up bringing her home, did I not?”