Page 33 of Fireworks
It was wrong to be watching him grab his keys, twisting them between his fingers as he talked to Asher. Patting my brother’s back in a half hug before walking to the door, I wondered where he was going. It had been a few days since I’d seen him at the house, and he had started to grow out a beard. Trying my hardest to remember, there wasn’t a time in my life I ever remembered him as anything but clean-shaven. The scruff look suited his rough personality well.
I wanted to ask where he was going, but as Brandon handed me my eggnog, my mind drifted right back into the present moment. It didn’t matter where he was going; hopefully, he wasn’t coming back soon.
I smiled while taking a sip.
“Anything for you, babe. Your family is amazing. You weren’t kidding.”
Leaning my head onto his chest as he sat down beside me on the couch, I fought the urge to say I told you so. We had spent the better half of our last week on campus with me telling him it would be perfectly fine and him insisting they would hate him. Being that he was the first and only boy I’d ever brought home under the pretense of a relationship, it overjoyed my mother when I made the proposition. Of course, we had to agree to some ground rules, like he wasn’t allowed in my room. That was always a rule. No boys in my room. Ever.
Brandon was a clean-cut sophomore football star who I had accidentally bumped into on campus on my second day there. I literally bumped into him while walking, my nose deep in a book on my way to class. Of course, I fell flat on my ass and after I had turned a deep shade of red apologizing; he helped me up off the ground. His smile was so genuine as he told me it was no big deal and helped me gather my things. He confessed he too spent his freshman year reading on his way to class, but never was so fortunate to bump into someone so breathtaking.
One look at him and we instantly clicked. I could still remember him telling me if I wanted to make it up to him, I’d have to let him take me out one night. Being so focused on where I was going, I said sure and scurried off without giving him my number or taking his.
He spent a week and a half tracking me down. After that he was met with great resistance. He would offer to take me out, and each time I had an excuse as to why I couldn’t go. There was always a paper to write or an exam to study for. So instead of taking no for an answer, he showed up at my dorm with burgers, fries, and a book. When I opened the door, he told me he promised to sit quietly reading, so long as I promised to at least take a break and eat with him. It was hard to say no when most of my meals were usually pop tarts and ramen every day.
We spent a lot of our time together and I went to some of his games. Even though my brother and Nate both played, I never paid any attention to what the hell was happening out on the field. I enjoyed watching him and seeing the energy a team had when they were together.
He also never made Ryder feel like a third wheel when we hung out. He’d bring her something to eat if we were spending the night in and always double checked she was okay with him being there. Of course, she wasn’t one to say no to him being around. No freshman in their right mind would turn down a football star hanging out with them all the time.
The night he finally kissed me was forever imprinted in my mind. They had just won a game against one of their biggest rivals and the entire stadium rushed the field in excitement. While all the players were jumping on one another, feeding off the energy of the crowd, he made his way out of the commotion.
I was standing at the edge of the field, not one to end up in a mosh pit of sports crazy fans. His helmet was in his hand as it tossed it to the ground, scooping me up by the waist and bringing me to his lips. As our lips collided, it set my body on fire. My entire body felt like pins and needles as he pulled away, looking at me before setting me back down on the ground.“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.”My arm reached up, wrapping around his neck as I pulled him down to me, kissing him again before uttering my own confession.“I’ve been waiting for you to make your move too.”
There was still something missing. Even as amazing as it was, my mind still flashed to Nathan more often than it should.
“So, you play football?”
Asher sat across from us a beer in hand as his eyes narrowed on Brandon. Swallowing the mouthful of eggnog he had just sipped, he answered with confidence.
“Yes, special teams.”
Taking another swig of his drink before he continued what I assumed was his big brother questioning to see if Brandon was good enough for me. I did my best not to laugh since I always imagined Nate wouldbe by his side for this.
“What’s your average?”
Brandon’s shoulders squared off as he straightened up, ready to put my brother to shame.
Asher pursed his lips and waited a minute before he responded.
“Not bad. Scholarship, I assume then?”
Utterly mortified by the question, I snapped immediately back at him.
“Asher, that's so incredibly rude. You don’t have to answer him.”
I turned to Brandon, trying my best to apologize with my eyes. He placed his hand on mine, squeezing gently.
“It's okay. Yes, but I have to keep a high average in order to not lose it. So school isn’t just a big party for me.”
He knew exactly where my brother was going and stopped him short of getting there. I was proud that I didn’t have to worry about Brandon holding his own.
“How’d you two meet, anyway?”