Page 41 of Fireworks
One girl in the bunch was doing better than the rest. I could only assume she either held her liquor better or hadn’t been drinking nearly as much as her friends. Her brown hair was pulled half up in a ponytail high on her head. Much like her friends, they were all wearing jeans and cowboy boots. It was hard to not notice she had an amazing ass. she turned and my eyes moved up her body. Her t-shirt was taut around her stomach, the tiny bump in the middle a clear sign she had a belly button ring. Pulling her hands over her face, I could hear her laughter ring through the noisy room as she nearly fell over trying to perfect the move. As her hands fell back down, my beer nearly fell out of my hand.
“You drop that beer, and you clean it, Nate.”
Sam’s voice rang out from behind me, obviously noticing that I had quickly grabbed the falling glass.
What the hell is she doing here?
Ignoring the fact that Sam was on my ass again, I stood, ready to walk across the room and ask what Katie was doing at a bar. She was underage. There was no reason she would need to be in a place like this. Two steps were all I made it before Skylar was in front of me tugging at my waist.
“Started without me, I see. Can you order me a beer?”
Looking around, I had lost sight of Katie.Shit. If Asher knew she was at a bar right now and she was drinking, he’d have my balls for it. At the same time, it wasn’t my responsibility to babysit herallthe time. Sure, I had agreed that I’d keep an eye on her, but I wasn’t her brother, I wasn’t her boyfriend; I was nothing to her. The thought stung as it passed through my mind.
“Yeah, of course I got you. Sam, beer?”
I yelled over the crowd, knowing I would get served as fast as possible. As I turned, grabbing the beer off the bar, I handed it to Skylar as I scanned the room. Katie was in the corner of the room where the pool tables were. Sitting on her boyfriend, Brandon’s, lap. She was laughing at something she found very entertaining as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him like they were the only two in the room. I could feel the blood inside my veins heating as my jaw tightened. Pulling Skylar closer, my mouth directly over her ear, I whispered.
“Ever do it in a public place?”
Immediately, her eyebrow rose as she looked at me, wondering what I had in mind. Grabbing her hand, I knew exactly where I could take her to get my frustrations out. The stockroom in the back was one of the few places I knew besides the bathroom that had a lock on the door.While I wasn’t against doing it in the bathroom, I knew we would have Sam on our ass about it if someone needed to use it and we were taking too long.
Skylar was giddy walking behind me. Her eyes scanning the room as we made our way past the pool tables toward the back of the building. While she was looking around to see who would assume she was going to go fuck me, my eyes stayed focused on making sure Katie didn’t see us walk past.
As the door lock clicked over, Skylar wasted no time pulling her panties down and planting her hands on my waist, tugging at my jeans. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, I pulled her closer, our lips crashing into one another. Pulling myself out of my pants for her, my hand fell into my pocket, looking for a condom I had shoved in there before I left my place.
Her fingers wrapped around my shaft. Pumping quickly, she lowered herself in front of me, taking me into her mouth. When we were together, it was always a race to the finish. Neither of us were looking for some sensual long make-out session and love making. We just needed the release with no strings attached.
Grabbing the condom from my hand, she quickly unrolled it over me. She knew just what to do and how to handle me. Her eagerness to please me made my cock that much harder as I bent her over a crate of beer, thrusting inside of her. She quietly moaned my name as I moved faster in and out. Her pussy tightened, milking me as she let out a slow moan. Searching for something more than just a release, I thrust one last time into her. I didn’t feel any different than I did before I came.
Each time we were together, our needs were met. The problem was, I never left feeling anything but empty after. The high from my release lasted a whole five seconds as we cleaned up and made our way back out into the crowd.
“I’ll call you.”
Her voice was even, as though she hadn’t just screwed me. As she adjusted the bottom of her dress one last time, making sure the material wasn’t hiked up in the back, she looked over her shoulder. Skylar was awesome at never making it awkward after we had sex. She was always the one who would jump up and be ready to leave once we were done, which took all the pressure off me.
“Sounds good.”
I kissed her cheek like I did every other time. As I pulled away, I could feel someone bump into me. Knocking me off balance, I then bumped into Skylar. I couldn’t help but be a little pissed off, but it wasn’t a surprise to have someone knocking into you on their way to the bathroom.
“Excuse you.”
I couldn’t help but mumble under my breath that the person didn’t bother saying anything. As my eyes shifted to see who it was, I had to mentally keep my jaw from dropping. Her eyes stabbing through my soul as her entire face tensed up, not saying a word to me.
“Oh, Katie. Sorry. I didn’t realize it was you.”
Skylar looked back and forth between us, sensing the obvious mood shift around us.
“You two know each other?”
Although we weren’t a couple, the way her words slipped through her teeth, I could have sworn she was jealous that another woman would know me.
“Yeah, this is Katie. She’s my…”
Before I could even finish my sentence, she cut me off.
“Don’t worry won’t happen again.”
Her words were so cold. Opening her mouth again, I waited to see what else she was going to say. Instead, she closed her mouth, snapping it shut, turned back, and walked toward the bathroom, not looking back once.