Page 57 of Fireworks
The minute the words came out, I instantly regretted it. His face contorted as he focused harder on the road.
“My dad’s accident.”
We sat in silence for a minute. The sound of the rain beating down on the hood of the truck was the only thing filling our ears.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought that up.”
The guilt was eating away at me. I knew he didn’t talk about his dad. I also didn’t think he realized how scared I was of planes after I knew it took someone so special from us.
“It’s no big deal. Don’t worry about it.”
He flipped the right blinker on taking the exit ramp. There was a sign a few miles back said there was a hotel at this exit. I assumed that’s where he was headed. Pulling into the parking deck, he left the engine running as he opened his door. Turning to face me, he hung on the door.
“I’ll get you your own room this time.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
He smiled, a glimmer of hope filling his eyes.
“You sure? I’m sure you could use some time alone without me bothering you.”
“I don’t mind the company. Here, take my card. You paid the last time.”
Reaching down for my bag, I heard him laugh before slamming the door closed. He shook his head as he strutted toward the entrance of the lobby. I couldn’t help but wonder what the rest of the night was going to be like between us.
Opening the door, there were two queen-size beds in the middle of the room. Everything looked so fresh compared to the motel we ended up at last night. The crisp white comforters folded over perfectly, the pillows fluffed and propped up against a gorgeous headboard.
“I’m going to take a shower, unless you want to use all the hot water first again.”
I laughed, grabbing my toiletries bag out of my tote. He didn’t answer as I closed the door behind me. He had been silent since I brought up his dad, which made me feel twice as bad about it. I knew better. It was an off-limit topic since it happened. He never talked about it and shut down when it was brought up.
There had been a few times he had gotten into fights at school. I had overheard Asher and him talking later about how the kid deserved it for running his mouth about his dad. Him booking a room with two beds made it clear he didn’t expect things between us to happen again.
Rubbing my hair in the towel, I tried to get as much of the water out of it as I could. Throwing on a tank top and shorts, I exited the bathroom. Nate was lying on the bed closest to the door, flipping through the channels with his phone to his ear.
“Yeah, I know. The storms are fucking nuts. Last time I offer to drive down to see you again, this is torture. Yeah, we’ll be there tomorrow.”
His voice took a long paused seeing me in the doorframe.
“Gotta go. Sure, can’t wait.”
Disconnecting the call, I didn’t know what I expected. It still hurt as I heard him telling my brother how he couldn’t wait to not be driving with me anymore. I guess he would never change. I don’t know why I expected anything more.
Climbing into the empty bed, I laid down on my side, my back facing him. Scrolling through my phone, I tried to distract myself from the loneliness I was letting seep in.
“You okay over there?”
I continued scrolling mindlessly on my phone.
“Yeah. Fine, just tired.”
His body slid behind mine, pressing against me as his hand rested on my shoulder.
“You’re such a terrible liar.”
I waited a minute before my words could squeak out.
“Is it really torture having to drive down with me?”