Page 63 of Fireworks
“That’s disgusting Asher. How about you keep your sex-scapades to yourself? I do not need that mental picture.”
“Right, I forgot little Miss Virgin ears. Sorry, I sure as hell am not bringing my little sister to a bar. You’re underage anyway. Raid my bookshelf. I'm sure you’ll find something you have never read before. Or there’s like three bookstores downtown. I'm sure you can find something there that will keep you occupied for a while. You should have just invited Brandon, like I told you.”
Drawing her lower lip between her teeth, she swallowed down the truth, her eyes straying from us.
“He was busy. I told you already. It doesn’t matter. I’ll find something to do and don’t expect me to be at your place when you get back. I don’t need to see how dissatisfied a girl is after a night with my brother.”
I snorted unintentionally as he shot me a death stare.
“You shared a room with me for four years. You know damn well no one left without their mind blown. I never had the RA called on me for a noise complaint.”
I could feel my face burning as I adjusted my cap and rubbed the back of my neck.
“Damn, I completely forgot about that.”
“As stimulating as this conversation is right now, I’m leaving before I find out what this burger looks like coming back up. I’ll see you two later.”
Wiping my face with a napkin, I threw it on my plate, getting up simultaneously. Not that I didn’t know how many girls Nate had been with. I wasn’t oblivious to the fact that he was pretty damn sexy and could easily get anyone he wanted with the bat of an eye.
I had seen him with that one girl in the bar a few months ago. Even though I didn’t know for sure that he had just had sex, when I ran into them, my gut told me that was exactly what was happening. Hearing about him making another girl moan his name made my stomach churn. There was no reason I should be jealous or have any right to be. It wasn’t like he was my boyfriend.
Pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I dialed my mom. My parents had gone shopping while we grabbed a bite and caught up as siblings. It was a laughable attempt for us to get along. Asher barely tolerated me growing up, and it didn’t seem like adulthood was going to make that change. Maturity wasn’t high on his list of traits he had in his arsenal. The phone went to voicemail, so I resorted to just sending a text as I strolled along in a city I know nothing about.
Katie: Done eating. Can I join you guys?
Walking down the street, everyone greeted me with a smile and hello like they’ve known me for years. It reminded me of a book I’d read a few years back that took place in Texas. The author didn’t do the hospitality justice. My phone buzzed several times in my hand; unlocking it, I had two messages.
Nate: I’m sorry
Mom: just saw a cute bookstore you’d love. I’ll send you the location in a second.
Iquickly responded, ok to my mom. The other message I didn’t know what to say. We had fun the last two days,but I was trying to keep my mind and heart in check. Just because he slept with me didn’t mean he was looking for a relationship.
We would both go home and have a glorious memory of the weekend we shared. I knew things couldn’t go further. I wasn’t naïve. Nathan wasn’t the guy who did relationships. I knew him well enough to know that. The words bore holes in my screen as I clicked out, opening my last message to Ryder.
Katie: Hey! I need you to talk me off a ledge here.
Her response was quick, as it always was.
Ryder: what did he do now?
A brief laugh slipped out. My next text was going to shock her. I typed out the cliff notes version of my last two days and pressed send. It only took a second before my phone danced in my hand. Pressing the accept button, the phone rested against my ear.
“Did you seriously just text me that? You’re joking, right?”
Inhaling, my words were quiet.
“Oh, how I wish I was. What the hell do I do?”
“You’re asking me like I have so much experience. Did you guys talk about what happens next?”
I bit the inside of my cheek nervously.
“Nope. All he said was that Asher can never find out. So, I’m back to treating him like an asshole, so no one suspects anything. He was more concerned about how Asher would feel than what I felt about him. To make things worse, my brother wants to go bar hopping with him tonight, and I’m pretty sure he’ll bring a girl back.”