Page 97 of Fireworks
I couldn’t quite figure out why or how it was possible that every time I saw him, my stomach went into a complete frenzy of butterflies. You would think that over time that would dissipate, yet it only seemed to intensify with each passing day. Quickly grabbing the yellow dress, I slipped it on. My hair and makeup were already done, so I made my way downstairs to wait for Ryder and Paul to arrive.
“Happy Birthday Katie!”
Ryder and Paul both said in unison as I opened the front door. Squealing with excitement, Ryder and I hugged like it had been years since we had seen each other.
“Thank you guys. I have so much to catch you up on.”
Looping my arm in Ryders, I pulled her away from Paul.
“First, let me introduce you to my dad. Everyone else is at the store right now.”
“And Nate, don’t forget we technically don’t know him that well, right Paul?”
Ryder wiggled her eyebrows at me as she said his name. Paul shrugged, not wanting to get pulled into my drama. Giving a tour of my house, we made our way to the backyard where Nate and my father were standing over the grill discussing God only knows what. Clearing my throat to get their attention, they both turned, looking guilty.
“This must be the infamous Ryder and Paul. It’s a pleasure to meet you both. Katie has told us so much about you both.”
My father held out his hand, shaking Pauls.
“Thank you so much for inviting us.”
Paul was always a proper gentleman and knew how to be respectful around parents. Despite his somewhat wild frat boy behavior.
“This is my dad. This is Nate, Asher’s best friend.”
It killed me as the words fell from my lips. The words themselves caused my chest to tighten. It physically hurt that I couldn’t introduce him as my boyfriend like I wanted to.
“So, Paul, we were just discussing the proper way to grill a burger. Any takes?”
As Paul opened his mouth to speak, I pulled Ryder off to the patio table. It had been a long-time tradition that my father and Nate debated the proper way to cook meat on the grill. Although I felt a tad bit guilty leaving Paul to the wolves, I knew there wouldn’t be much time for us to talk in private. There was so much I needed to tell her that had been weighing on my chest. I needed to do it now before I exploded.
Her words were hushed as she looked around, making sure they would not hear her.
“How the hell has no one figured out that he is in love with you? Jesus, the way he looks at you, Katie.”
My eyes wandered back over to where he stood at the grill, his body angled just enough that I could see his side profile.
“Probably because I’ve been such a bitch to him for so long, they assume it’s him doing it to get under my skin.”
A frown presented on Ryder’s face, knowing how much it would kill her to have to keep her relationship a secret.
“So, what did you guys do yesterday? I’ve been dying to hear about it.”
Settling into my seat, I began at the beginning of our day.
“He showed up at like six o’clock in the morning. Refusing to tell me where we were going. My parents just let us go too. No questions, which I think is super weird, right? I asked him why, but he refused to tell me. So, anyway, we drove for what felt like a million hours until we pulled into this wooded parking lot. The kind you see in the movies that people get taken to and get murdered.”
Ryder let out a laugh before interrupting me.
“Seriously, you need to get out more if that was your first thought. I’m pretty sure it was probably a nice place.”
“Oh, it was gorgeous. So, he gets out of the truck, walks around the back and grabs a bag. Apparently, he set this whole thing up with my mom. She went and bought me hiking boots and all the stuff she thought I would need.”
Again, Ryder's brow rose.
“Woah, and she didn’t ask why he was taking you out like that?”
Exhaling loudly, I rubbed my hands over my hair.