Page 18 of Twisted Hate (Twisted 3)
After his tall, lean frame disappeared into the hall, Pam released a sharp sigh. “Congratulations,” she said tightly. “You just secured one of the city’s most coveted apartments for pennies.”
“Lady Luck has always smiled on me.” It wasn’t true, but it was worth seeing her eye twitch.
We exited the apartment and rode the elevator down to the lobby in silence. Once we hit the ground floor, Pam left us with the world’s most tepid goodbye, but I didn’t care.
“We did it!” I waited until Stella and I stepped outside The Mirage before I threw my arms around her in an impromptu hug. I couldn’t hold back my giddiness anymore. Between the lease and LHAC, today was the best day ever. Period.
“We got our dream apartment!” I sighed, starry-eyed at the possibilities.
Late night drinks on the rooftop. Morning swims in the pool. Diving into a pile of clothes in my walk-in closet just because I could.
“Pinch me,” I said. “I think I’m dream—ow!”
“You said to pinch you,” Stella said innocently. She broke into a laugh and dodged my playful attempt to swat her. “Seriously, though, I’m so happy it worked out, but…”
“You don’t think it was too easy? The way he just agreed to our price?” Her bottom lip disappeared between her teeth while a small crease formed between her brows.
“It was too easy,” I admitted. “But we both looked over the lease twice. There was nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe Christian was just being nice because we’re Rhys’s friends.”
“Maybe.” Doubt lingered in Stella’s eyes.
“We’ll be fine.” I linked my arm through hers and guided her to the Crumble & Bake a few streets over for celebratory cupcakes. “And if we aren’t, I happen to know plenty of lawyers.”