Page 111 of If Love Had A Price (If Love 3)
Nate, she understood, but Teague had no dog in the fight, and while she and Risa were on good terms, they weren’t friends or anything. Plus, if Risa got caught, she’d be out of a job.
To think they’d gone to all this trouble to get rid of Gloria for her…it was unfathomable.
“Because we love you,” Nate said. “Okay, I think Risa did it out of hate for Gloria—proving you should never, ever insult a woman’s food or, you know, make racist jokes—but Teague is your friend and I’m your boyfriend. Who loves you most,” he added. “Just so you know. I’m up here and everyone else is down here.” He punctuated his explanation with the appropriate hand gestures. “Gloria was right when she said the phone and messages were bogus, but she really had been cheating on your dad. You’d been on the right track with your plan, but since it fell through, I figured I’d pick up where you left off. I just didn’t tell you since I wanted you to have plausible deniability if it blew up in our faces.”
Kris’s stomach fluttered in a way that was possibly unhealthy. Some girls swooned over roses, some girls swooned over jewelry, but Kris? She swooned over guys who hatched diabolical plans to get rid of evil stepmothers-to-be.
“Pull over,” she said.
Nate looked alarmed. “We’re on the freeway.”
“Take the nearest exit and pull into the first empty parking lot or side street you find.”
Something in her voice must have gotten to him because he did as she asked with no further protest. Fifteen minutes later, they parked in the lot of a closed shopping mall.
“Are you okay?” Nate asked, concern etched on his face. “Do you—holy fuck.” He hissed out a breath when Kris made quick work of his belt and zipper and freed his hardening cock. “What are you doing?” His voice had dropped several decibels and was strained beyond belief.
She flashed a mischievous smile. “I’m giving you your reward.”
Then she showed him exactly what a girl with no gag reflex could do.