Page 16 of If Love Had A Price (If Love 3)
Chapter Six
“Why do you look so spiffy?” Skylar’s eyes narrowed with suspicion.
“You used the word spiffy. Are you sure you’re seventeen?” Nate eyed her with equal suspicion.
“Don’t change the subject.” His sister leaned against the door frame of their kitchen and sipped her orange juice with a speculative expression. “Are you going on a date?”
Excitement shimmered in her eyes at the prospect.
“Sorry to crush your hopes, but no.”
Not in the usual sense,he added silently.
Nate straightened his collar, feeling itchy and uncomfortable in his pale blue button-down. He preferred the comfort of his old T-shirts, but Kris had mentioned Gloria was fond of the preppy look, so he’d dutifully dressed for the part.
He’d also put more effort into taming his tousled hair and applied cologne, even though he despised cologne almost as much as he did button-downs.
Skylar persisted. “Why not? You could totally get a date if you wanted to. My friends all have a huge crush on you.”
Nate suppressed a flinch. “Your friends are in high school. Are you trying to land me in jail?”
“I’m not saying date one ofthem.Ew, gross much? I’m just pointing out the fact that you are not without appeal.”
“Thanks,” he said wryly.
“I’m serious.” Skylar finished her juice, set it on a nearby table, and walked over to Nate. She circled him with a critical eye. “Hmm. I think she’d like you.”
Tension bunched in Nate’s shoulders. “No.”
He knew Skylar well enough to know what she had in mind, and he wasnoton board. He’d rather have his fingernails pulled off one by one than get set up on a date. By his baby sis, no less.
Someone get the pliers.
Skylar pouted. “You don’t know who I’m talking about.”
“You’re around the same age, and she issopretty.”
A huff of exasperation. “Do youwantto die old and alone?”
“I don’t need you matchmaking for me. I do just fine with women, thank you very much.” Nate wasn’t being arrogant; it was the truth. It took him less time to pick up a girl than it did for him to check out groceries at the supermarket. That was the way it’d been all his life.
Except for Kris, but she was a special case.
His heart rate kicked up at the prospect of seeing her in less than an hour, and he ran a hand through his hair until it—
Wait. What the hell was he doing? Racing heart and fidgeting with his hair? He was acting like a damn schoolboy with a crush.
Nate lowered his arm with a frown.
“Yeah, but you haven’t had a girlfriend since high school, and she only lasted six weeks,” Skylar pointed out. “Don’t you think it’s time to—”
Her face crumpled into a scowl. “You need to expand your vocabulary.”