Page 23 of If Love Had A Price (If Love 3)
She didn’t flinch. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today.”
Wrong.He’d been having a great day until she came in and got all cozy with his best friend.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but you need to stop,” he said.
Kris raised one perfect dark brow and sipped her latte. “I’m enjoying a drink at a cafe—the one you work at. I don’t think your boss would be happy with you shooing away paying customers.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Nate said through gritted teeth. “I’m talking about you and Elijah.”
“The guy you just gave your number to,” he spit out.
“Oh. Blue Hair.” Kris’s expression cleared. She cocked her head and stared at him with a teasing smile. “Nate Reynolds. Are you…jealous?”
He almost laughed out loud. “Uh, no. I don’t get jealous.”
Not over girls, anyway. Yes, Nate wanted Kris, but that didn’t mean he wasjealous.He was just…protective of his friend. He was convinced Elijah wasn’t her type, and who knew what nefarious plans Kris had up her sleeve? Her Gloria scheme proved she was capable of anything.
At least, that was what he told himself.
“Hmm.” Kris broke eye contact and ripped off a piece of her scone. “Then why are you so concerned about who I give my number to?”
“I don’t want you to hurt him,” Nate said after a pause.
That caught her attention. “What makes you think I would be the one doing the hurting?” She sounded offended.
“Because you’re not the type of girl who would ever let your guard down enough to get hurt.”
The words spilled out before Nate could stop them.
Damn.He hadn’t planned to say that. He didn’t even know where the sentiment came from. But it was too late—both he and Kris froze, like they were afraid any movement on their part would bring the words crashing down until they splintered into a million pieces at their feet.
“You don’t know the first thing about me.” Kris broke the silence first. The ice princess shield was back, so thick and cold it froze the blood in Nate’s veins. “How dare you act as if you do.”
That wasn’t true. They weren’t best friends, but they’d gotten to know each other a helluva lot better these past few weeks.
Not that Nate was going to tell her that. He was pissed and confused as towhyhe was so pissed, so he simply turned and left without another word.
He spent the rest of his shift avoiding Kris, but as luck would have it, she left at the same time he clocked out.
They walked to their respective cars in silence.
They’d have to make up eventually, thanks to the Gloria Plan, but for now, Nate welcomed the animosity. It was better than wanting her and not being able to have her.
He could tease her, flirt with her. Hell, he could even kiss her—he had one unclaimed kiss on his docket, and for all their cuddling in front of Gloria, their lips had yet to touch. But he could neverhaveher because they weren’t just from different cities—they were from different worlds, and the princess and pauper stories only ever ended well in fiction.
Irritated, Nate flipped on the radio, hoping the music would silence his thoughts. He was glad he’d agreed to meet Skylar at the Santa Monica Pier tonight; he needed the distraction.
He glanced in his rearview mirror and realized Kris’s silver Mercedes was right behind him, even though they were going the opposite direction of Beverly Hills.
He made a left. She made a left. He made a right. She made a right.
Was she following him?
Excitement and curiosity warred in his stomach. The thought of a stalker shouldn’t have excited him, but it did—ifthe stalker was Kris.
“I have issues,” he said out loud. The song on the radio dropped its bass like it agreed with him.