Page 29 of If Love Had A Price (If Love 3)
“I want you to say it.” Nate’s lips whispered over the delicate skin of her throat. His thumb rubbed a circle on the inside of her thigh, and Kris gripped the edge of her seat with one hand, her breath turning shallow.
He tsked in disappointment. “Perhaps you want me to stop instead.”
A soft laugh. “That’s what I thought.”
“You are insufferable,” Kris ground out, even as her skin throbbed with frustration and arousal. Nate wasn’t right for her in so many ways. He wasn’t even a good candidate for a casual fling, given how tied up he was in her Gloria scheme.
But she wanted him all the same.
“Not the worst thing I’ve been called.” Nate lifted his head and captured her gaze with his. “All you have to do is ask, and we could do something a helluva lot more fun than talking.”
“You mean kissing.”
“Sure. Kissing.” His eyes shone with laughter.
Hmph. If he thought he could get past first base with her on a freakin’Ferris wheel,he had another think coming.
Never mind the fact that she was already halfway to orgasm.
“I don’t beg.”
“So you said.” Nate’s voice deepened into a soft growl. “But if you don’t stop looking at me like that, I might kiss you anyway—and not on your lips. Or your neck.”
Kris’s thighs clenched as another wave of heat consumed her. She should’ve slapped him for how forward he was being, but all she could think about was his hands pinning her hips down and his head buried between her legs. She wasn’t big on public sex, but the thought that someone could catch them sent a thrill through her body.
Why am I even thinking about this?
It wasn’t like she wasactuallygoing to let him go down on her here. Or anywhere.
Her eyes dropped to his mouth, taking in the sculpted curve of his lips.
Another growl emitted from his throat. “Kris—”
A loud whine sliced through her air, and she jerked back in surprise.
Another, quieter whine, a short stutter, and then the wheel started moving again.
They were no longer stuck.
Kris scooted to the other end of the bench until she was as far away from Nate as possible. The wheel’s slow descent shook her out of her fog and straight intoWhat the hell were you thinking? territory.
Nate didn’t speak or attempt to close the distance between them again. Instead, he watched her quietly with those mesmerizing eyes, all emotion wiped from his face.
When they hit the ground level and the operator opened the gate to their pod, she all but flew out of her seat.
Damn you, Skylar,Kris thought, her heartbeat a loud snare drum that overrode the rest of her senses. She should be at home, FaceTiming Courtney or watching Netflix, not getting messed up in the head about a guy she’d known for, what, a month?
She and Nate walked down the main drag of the pier in silence for a few minutes before she felt compelled to clear the air. “Listen, this isn’t a good idea.”
“What, walking?” Nate drawled.
She released an exasperated sigh. “No. This.” She gestured between them. “What happened back there wasn’t—we’re not really dating.”
“Never said we were.”