Page 36 of If Love Had A Price (If Love 3)
Pure male satisfaction swirled inside him at her unspoken surrender.
Nate angled Kris’s head back so he could explore her mouth, his fingers gripping her hair so tight she gasped. She didn’t flinch at his punishing hold—in fact, her hands clawed his shoulders and her breath came out in shallow, needy pants. She swiped her tongue across his bottom lip, and he growled, tugging her hair harder while his free hand caressed all that smooth, soft skin on her thigh.
But the damn center console kept getting in the way, and he couldn’t press his body against hers like he wanted to.
Impatient and aroused beyond belief, Nate broke the kiss, lifted Kris out of her seat, and planted her on his lap so she straddled him. It took some creative maneuvering, but the convertible’s open top helped.
“What—” Kris’s question or whatever she’d been about to say broke off into a soft moan when he scraped his teeth down the delicate length of her throat.
He had to hand it to her, though—she bounced back quick.
“This is a second kiss.” Another moan when he licked the hollow of her throat and gripped her hips, thrusting his throbbing erection against her core. He’d never hated jeans or underwear—the only barriers separating them—more than in that moment. “That wasn’ the…”
She trailed off, her eyes fluttering closed when Nate swept a hand beneath her dress.
“Technically, we’re not kissing,” he said in a reasonable, if husky, tone. “We’re…getting to know each other.”
Kris’s eyes opened at that, and her soft laugh shot straight to his cock, which didn’t need any additional encouragement. “Is that what this is?”
“Yep.” Nate’s hand edged toward her core while he kept his eyes on her face, searching for any sign that she wanted him to stop.
Nope. She was all in.
Her nipples were so hard he could see them poking through the thin material of her bra and dress, and her skin was flushed and hot beneath his.
She was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.
Nate clenched his jaw, running through baseball rosters and the fucking food pyramid in his mind to keep from coming.
Bread, pasta, fruit—oh, who the hell cares?
“How well do you think we should get to know each other?” he murmured.
Silence—except for their heavy breathing, that was.
“Should we call it a night?” Nate maneuvered her backward, so she no longer sat directly on him. He brushed his fingers over her core, unsurprised but still pleased to discover she was soaking wet. “It’s getting late.”
Kris’s eyes flared with both arousal and warning. “I hadn’t noticed,” she said through gritted teeth.
“No?” He increased the pressure and smiled at her small whimper. She was getting close—he could tell by the way her breathing changed and the way she ground against his hand. She clutched his arms, her pants growing heavier by the second.
Almost there…just a bit more…
Right before Kris tumbled over the edge, Nate pulled his hand away.
Her eyes flew open again, and he would’ve laughed at her stunned indignation if his balls hadn’t been bluer than a Smurf.
“Long day. I’m tired.” Nate feigned a yawn. “Think weshouldcall it a night, but thank you for the kiss.” The yawn morphed into a mischievous smile. “It was nice getting to know you better.”
This time he did laugh as Kris scrambled back in fury—but since she was still straddling him, she hit the car horn, which blared through the still night air at the same time as her curse.
Nate’s smile widened. “Let’s get this over with,” huh?Try forgetting our first kiss now,he thought smugly.