Page 50 of If Love Had A Price (If Love 3)
She glared across the dining table at Gloria, who was cooing at Kris’s father and asking him about his business in Manila.
She had to hand it to the Stepmonster—she was good at making a guy feel like he was the only, and most important, person in the room. Maybe that was how she’d snared a savvy businessman like Roger Carrera.
Given his net worth, Kris’s father had had no shortage of women throwing themselves at him since Mariana Carrera up and abandoned him all those years ago, and while he wasn’t handsome by conventional standards, he exuded power and authority. He’d dated on and off over the years, but none of the relationships lasted. He’d certainly neverproposedto anyone. Then along came Gloria, with her over-the-top Southern accent and double D’s, and he was a goner.
Roger was too smart to fall for just a pretty face and a great rack. However, Gloria was a master manipulator and no dumb bunny. For all her shallowness and vindictiveness, she knew exactly how to flatter Roger’s ego and make herself seem interested in whatever he was interested in.
“…with Bobbi?”
It took Kris a minute to notice both her father and the Stepmonster were staring at her—her father with raised eyebrows, the Stepmonster with a tiny smirk.
“Sorry, what did you say?” She reached for her water and took a quick sip, if only so she didn’t throw her lamb in the redhead’s perfectly made-up face.
“How are things going with Bobbi?” Roger repeated.
“Fine. I’ve been learning a lot.”About how stupid celebrities can be once they get a little alcohol in their system,Kris finished silently.
“Good.” Her father dabbed at his mouth with his napkin. “It’s good that you’re learning the value of honest work this summer. Perhaps I’ve been too lenient with your finances in the past, but I want to make sure you understand the value of money. Your spending has been out of control recently, especially with the bill for Courtney’s birthday last year.” His thick brows pulled low.
Kris’s lips thinned. He’d never had an issue with her spending until Gloria came onto the scene and “gently” advised him to curb Kris’s shopping habits. Like Gloria didn’t throw away money left and right herself. Case in point: the tacky, crystal-studded dress she’d bought the other day for $2,000. She’d flaunted it in front of Kris like it was something to be proud of instead of a migraine-inducing nightmare.
At least Kris swiped her plastic forniceitems and gifts for friends.
Besides, she’d take her father’s claims about teaching her the “value of money” more seriously if Roger hadn’t reinstated her credit cards and access to her flush checking account. Sure, she had a monthly card limit now instead of a black Amex, but there were enough zeroes in the bank to make up the difference. That was how she could afford to pay Nate.
Technically, her checking account was for emergencies only, but saving her father from a greedy gold-digger counted as an emergency, right?
“You’re coming into your trust fund in a few years,” Roger continued. “I want to make sure you’re ready to handle it responsibly once the time comes.”
“Yes, Daddy.” Kris poked at her lamb, annoyed. She’d heard the same speech in multiple forms since she returned from Shanghai, and she was over it. “How long are you going to be in L.A.?” she asked, switching the subject before she blew her fuse.
Her father’s sudden appearance two nights ago had been an utter shock for both her and, apparently, Gloria. It’d also thrown Kris and Nate’s plan awry. She was supposed to be ironing out final details with Nate right now—and perhaps enjoying another series of mind-bending orgasms—instead of eating dinner and getting lectured at the massive fifteen-person dining table.
“I’m here until the end of summer.” Roger adjusted his tie, because he was the type of man who wore ties even to a family dinner. “The Manila deal is all but closed, and I can wrap up the loose ends remotely. Given the wedding is in only a few months, I want to make sure I spend some quality time with my girls before the big day.”
Kris almost choked on her lamb.
He had to be joking. Until now, Roger had spent a cumulative of two or three weeks a year with Kris, and he chosenowto get all We Are Family on her?
Not that she didn’t want to spend quality time with her father, but he had the worst timing on the planet. If he’d waited another week, the Gloria Plan would’ve been donezo. But now that he was here to stay, at least until late August, there wasno chanceGloria would be stupid enough to follow through on her tryst with Nate. Nate had already texted Kris, informing her Gloria had postponed their previously scheduled hotel date tomorrow night.
All that time and energy they’d spent on the plan, wasted. And unless Kris managed to throw another scheme together in the next few months, she was going to be walking down the aisle in her hideous bridesmaid dress and watching Gloria become Mrs. Carrera Number Two, in which case the Stepmonster would be entitled to half of the family fortune.
Kris wanted to hurl.
“That’sincrediblenews, sweetheart,” Gloria oozed, playing the role of Excited, Lovestruck Fiancée perfectly. “I’m so happy you’ll be here. There are so many things we need to go over for the wedding…”
Kris tuned her out as she discreetly texted Nate beneath the table.
Kris: Dad’s here to stay. It’s a no go.
Nate: Shit.
Nate: How are you? Anything I can do to help?
Kris’s heart melted a little. He was so—