Page 62 of If Love Had A Price (If Love 3)
He looked away, swallowing hard. “Yeah. I do.”
When Kris mentioned Teague had invited her on a private flight to show off his flying chops, Nate had invited himself along because he didn’t trust that Tesla-driving, Kris-kissing (it had been on the cheek, but still) fucker as far as he could throw him. He soon realized it didn’t matter if he was here, because sport pilot rules stipulated the pilot could only bring one passenger at a time, which meant Nate would be waiting on the ground like a chump while Teague took his girlfriend on a romantic flight in the skies.
That was bad enough, butthenhe’d gotten the bright idea that this would be a good time to get over his flying phobia, which had manifested itself…yep, five years ago. Right after his mom died in a plane crash.
Imagine that.
Nate wasn’t completely debilitated by the thought of being in the air, but as he’d told Kris earlier this summer, he would rather not fly if he didn’t have to. Why tempt fate?
“You sure?” Kris didn’t seem convinced.
He ran a hand over his face, his heart thumping with nerves as the hum of the plane’s engine filled the hangar. “Not at all. But if I don’t do it now, when am I going to do it?” His features tightened. “I chewed out my dad for not facing up to my mom’s death and drowning his sorrows in alcohol. My method of coping has been…different, but it’s been five years, and while I will always miss my mom, I need to let go of the hang-ups I have around how she died. That includes getting over my fear of flying. So no, I’m not sure this is what I want to do. In fact, I know Idon’twant to do it. But I need to.”
Now that he’d gotten all of that out, he could breathe easier, but a coil of tension remained at the base of his spine. Fuck, why were plane engines soloud?
“I understand.” Kris squeezed his hand. “I’ll be here waiting for you when you land. Maybe you and Teague will become friends during your joy ride in the sky,” she teased.
Nate snorted. “Yeah, I think the chances of me getting my own sport pilot licenseandprivate plane are higher.”
Teague popped open his door, looking like the preppiest pilot on the planet with his aviation headset and polo shirt. “Ready when you are!” he shouted over the engine noise. “Who’s first?”
Kris glanced at Nate.
“I’ll go first,” he said, controlling the shake in his voice. “Rip it off like a Band-Aid, right?”
“Exactly.” She kissed him, and he felt marginally better about marching toward his death. “You got this.”
Nope. As Nate walked toward the plane, he most definitely didnothave it. His palms were sweating like a motherfucker’s, and his heart was about to climb its way out of his chest.
But it was too late to turn back.
He settled into the passenger seat and slipped on the headset Teague gave him.
Get your shit together. You can do this.
“You okay, man?” Teague cast a concerned glance in Nate’s direction as he taxied onto the runway. “You look a little green.”
“I’m fine,” Nate said in a clipped voice.
“All right.” The other man sounded dubious, but he didn’t push it.
Despite what Nate said, his mild aerophobia had ratcheted up in intensity.
Shortness of breath? Check.
Increased heart rate? Check.
Waves of nausea rolling in his stomach? Check.
Mental images of the plane crashing in a fiery ball? Check.
Fuck.Nate should’ve never gotten into this tiny death craft. What would happen to Skylar once he died? God knew their father couldn’t take care of himself these days, much less his daughter. And Kris. He would never see Kris again. He should’ve kissed her harder, longer. He should’ve told her—
The plane ascended, and there was a strong possibility he was going to throw up.
Nate closed his eyes, trying to steady his breathing. The last—and only—time he’d been on a plane since his mother died had been two years ago, when his family had flown to North Carolina for his cousin’s wedding. If Nate hadn’t been a groomsman, he would’ve skipped the whole thing.
Fortunately, he’d taken an Ambien and knocked out for the entire flight.