Page 73 of If Love Had A Price (If Love 3)
The silence following Nate’s speech was louder and more pervasive than any that had preceded it.
Shock, anger, and...was that regret?…carved deep grooves into Roger’s face, but they quickly hardened into a smooth, stern mask.
“Perhaps,” Roger said. “You raise good points.”
Nate almost fell out of his chair in surprise. Just as hope bubbled in his stomach, the other man’s next words shut it down.
“That doesn’t change the fact that you and Kris are doomed to fail. She leaves for Seattle in a few weeks, but am I correct in assuming you’d like to prolong the relationship even when you’re in different cities?”
Of course not. We have a deadline. We promised each other we would end things once she leaves L.A. Neither of us is into long-distance relationships.
That was what Nate should’ve said. But to his horror, he realized that was no longer true—at least, not on his end. He wasn’t sure how Kris felt, but he wanted to keep something going between them after this summer. In just two short months, she’d burrowed her way inside his heart, and unless he tore the entire damn thing apart—maybe not even then—she was there to stay.
“So I’m right,” Roger correctly deduced from Nate’s silence. “Kris might even agree. She’s infatuated with you, and I can see why. You are young, charming, good-looking. The type who holds many women in thrall, I’m sure. But where exactly do you see this ending up? She’ll be in Seattle, you’ll be in L.A. She’s accustomed to a certain lifestyle, one that you cannot provide for her, and while she has her own funds, I won’t let anyone use my daughter as an ATM.”
Funny Roger should say that, considering his fiancée was usinghimas an ATM.
Since Nate didn’t have a death wish, he kept that thought to himself.
Roger wasn’t finished. “You’re an actor. Quite a good one, I might act. You’ve put on quite a show so far, especially with that little speech you just gave. But you and I both know the real motivator at play here, so let’s cut to the chase.”
He leaned across his desk, his dark gaze unflinching. “I had an investigator do a little digging after Kris told me you were dating, and it seems like your family is in quite a financial bind. So here’s my offer: I will get your father his old job back, and I will pay you $50,000. All you have to do is stay away from my daughter.”