Page 17 of Some Kind of Love
“How’s your phone?”
“Huh?” I glance up at Dani perched on the end of my bed.
“I’m just wondering how your phone is? You know, I’m guessing it must be broken, or you’ve lost connection, what with you checking it every three minutes.” Dani accompanies her snide dig with a snigger. It’s not the first time she’s commented on my almost borderline mobile phone obsession. My phone bill is going to be massive. Texts costs ten pence a go. Ten pence for one hundred and twenty characters of Freddyness. Those characters are practically priceless.
But I just need to check. You know, just in case he’s messaged.
It’s only been five minutes.
“Stop bitching.” Without her noticing I slide my phone under my pillow so if it should illuminate with a message, I will be able to see the green glow of the screen.
It’s been a week since Freddy picked me up in the snow, and I am totally playing it cool. Okay, I am almost totally playing it cool.
Seriously, there is very little cool about me right now.
I have very clear phone rules in place, which means I am not allowed to message him should he not message me. And I am most definitely not allowed to ring him. Not since the time when his brother answered, and I failed to speak and just made stuttering animal noises instead.
“I know you’re in love and all that, and no longer need food to survive, but I’m starving. Are we going to order this pizza or not?”
My screen glows and my chest tightens in an excited response.
The tightening chest releases and sinks into disappointment. Today is Dani’s day. I made a pinkie-best friend-promise that I can’t break. Monday nights is our night, always has been. Monday, Wednesday and Friday; it’s the pact our friendship is based on: those evening must be spent together and always have been since we started high school. Apart from last week when I didn’t see her Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. And yes, I felt like a bitch. It’s just really hard to say no to a guy when he turns up looking all hot and sexy covered in car grease, hands stuffed in his pockets, and he asks if you want to hang out. It’s really, really hard to say no to that. Especially when the hanging out contains hours of kissing.
I shove the phone further under my pillow, so I’m not tempted by any other texts and turn my attention to my friend. “I thought you were dieting?”
Dani gives a groan and slides herself further down my bed until she’s practically horizontal. “What’s the point this close to Christmas?” She lifts her hips off the mattress and grabs a handful of arse. “And these saddle bags aren’t going anywhere this side of the New Year.”
I laugh. “You don’t have saddle bags; your bottom is perfect.”
She rolls her eyes. “I know you want me.”
“I do, I do, there’s just no denying it.” I stab her with my big toe, which can just about reach her ribs.
“Who wants who?” A blonde head ducks around the door.
“What the…?” I start to exclaim but my words are stopped in the most delicious way ever—with a kiss. My hands reach up and run through his hair. Either it’s raining or he has just showered.
“Great,” I hear Dani mumble, and guilt rushes through me, along with a barrage of other emotions as Freddy’s lips brush warmth against mine.
Freddy smiles against my mouth. “Your mum let me up. I think I’m winning her over.”
I cringe inwardly. It’s going to take more than seven days of a charm offensive for Mum to be won over. It may take decades.
“Well, we were just going to have Monday night pizza,” I smile up at him, like I’m going to burst inside like a balloon with too much air. That’s my existence now. I’m one breath away from popping with delight. “Monday night is Dani and mine’s fat night.”
Freddy’s eyes appraise me with appreciation, and I glow under their attentive gaze. Everything fades into insignificance when he’s next to me. I very quickly realised after our first date in the snow that Freddy is magic. He makes all worries disappear. Schoolwork? Not that important. Parents moaning about schoolwork? A minor buzzing noise in my ear. Tardiness when I’m late every day for school, due to procrastinating in his truck? Not much of a worry.
That’s after just a week.
It’s too much too soon, I know that. My brain recognises it’s too much. I just can’t stop myself from falling headfirst into it. He makes me burn with life. Every single fibre in my body comes alive when he’s here, and for the last few days I’ve lived to see him, breathe him, touch him. I want the crazy, the insanity of it; the thudding in my chest when I know he’s due to arrive; the tremble in my fingers when he reaches for my hand. I crave the rush; the deep and fast slide into Freddy’s magical oblivion.
“Listen.” I feel Dani move from her end of the bed. “I’ve got a headache. I’m gonna shoot.”