Page 38 of Some Kind of Love
Christmas sucked, much as I thought it would. Mum turned all the food sour with her face, and Dad tried to act like nothing was wrong, just like he always does. He didn’t even comment that she was still wearing her patched dressing gown while she cooked Christmas dinner. The thing is, Freddy’s arrival on the scene has affected Mum pretty bad, like it’s reminded her of something; something maybe she had forgotten until Freddy turned up and pulled it all to the surface. The whole of Christmas day was spent dodging her snide comments and trying to go unnoticed. Our house was filled with silence until Dani turned up on Christmas evening, just like she’s always done, and we hid in my room stuffing chocolate in our mouths, arguing over book boyfriends, and swooning over paused moments of The Vampire Diaries. Dani quizzed me about the planned few days away, but in truth, I had nothing to say.
Now it’s the day after Boxing Day and I am stood on the front step waiting for Freddy with a small bag of randomly packed clothes at my feet. I could have waited inside, but Mum pushed me over the edge by telling me I needed to pack some ‘protection’ so I didn’t come back with a mistake.
Dad flipped. For the first time ever he went totally crazy at her. He turned to me briefly, wished me a nice break, and then slammed the lounge door shut as he went for it. The last thing I heard was, “How very dare you use the word mistake!” I ran out of the front door at that point. Now I can’t feel my toes or fingers.
Finally, after what feels like a week of waiting, I spot Freddy’s familiar silver truck coming along the road. “Eager?” he asks, as he jumps down and comes around to help with my bag and door.
“Don’t even ask,” I tell him with a warning look.
He doesn’t. He pulls me in tight and nuzzles his warm nose against my cold one in an Eskimo kiss. “I’ve missed you.”
“I haven’t missed you,” I tease.
“Really? Not even a little bit?”
“Nah, I’ve hardly thought of you at all.” In truth my phone obsession has been seriously out of control. Luckily our text conversations have lasted from the moment we’ve woken up, until sleep has prevented any further communication. It’s going to be a phone bill of epic proportions.
“Come on. Buckle up, and let’s get going.”
I jump in and buckle up as instructed. “Where are we going anyway?”
“Somewhere special.”
‘Special?” I grin so wide my cheeks actually hurt.
‘Yep, just for you.” And with a laugh, he pulls away and I hope to God I remembered to pack clean knickers and some serious resolve, because right now I’m feeling so nervous I could probably just spin into a flat-out panic.
Forty minutes later, we are pulling into Lowestoft, a seaside village, currently hibernating through the winter months. There is minimal traffic on the streets as Freddy guides the car through numerous back roads until he pulls up outside a weather-beaten town house. Its faded pink walls and roof with tiles missing makes me think it’s not regularly lived in. “What is this place?” I ask, as we unload our bags.
“It belongs in the family, but no one has been out here for years. You’ll have to excuse the mess we walk into; I haven’t had time to come along and give it a clean.” He frowns, but I tug his hand and pull one of my special ‘Duh’ faces.
“Who cares if it’s dirty? You did after all promise me a dirty weekend!” Go girl.
“That’s true, I did.” He winks and grabs my hand as we walk up to the door. It’s one of those traditional seaside houses that line the pavements. There is no pathway or garden, it’s simply pavement then house.
A cloud of dust lifts off the floor when the front door opens, and Freddy gives a chuckle. “Shit. I should have come and cleaned.”
I ignore him and walk in, looking up at the shabby chic decor. A dusty chandelier hangs from the ceiling, mismatched with a bizarre deckchair-striped sofa that fills the room. The main feature of the living area is a wrought iron fireplace; the ornate carvings remind me of the locket hanging around my neck. “This place is amazing,” I gush.
Turning, I find Freddy watching me, his hands in his pockets, an amused look on his beautiful face. “Is this okay? It’s not quite a posh hotel.”
“Are you kidding?” I throw my hands up in the air. “This place is perfect.” In one long stride he is across the space separating us and has his mouth on mine. His hands in my hair. His thumbs tilt my face towards his and his body edges closer and closer until I can feel all of him meshed against me
‘So, I’m thinking: walk, dinner, fire.” He talks against my mouth and my entire body sings with pleasure.
“I think I’ve got the fire down.” I speak before thinking. What is wrong with me?
“What do you mean?” He pulls back a little to look at me.
“Uh, nothing.” I burn with a blush more intense than any I’ve ever felt before. It starts at my toes and works its way up my body like a rash.
“Amber French, are you making some form of sexual reference?”
“No! Maybe. I’ve forgotten what I said.”