Page 66 of Some Kind of Love
"I wish I’d rung you. Not just for that, I just wish I’d rung you.”
“Yeah, and I wish I’d harassed your mum and dad to find out where you were until they gave in and told me.”
"So you should be, bitchface.”
Before I can fire back a name of my own, the bell rings. My heart literally leaps out of my chest and my knees give a little wibble wobble.
“Have fun, Amber.” Dani laughs, taking in the state of me.
“Uh. I don’t want to go now.” The bell rings again so Dani pushes me towards the door. “Make sure Mum eats, please.”
‘Yes.” She cranks the front door.
“Can you call Mai and check on Isaac? He may get homesick and want to come home.”
“No, he won’t.”
“Maybe I should call him quickly before I leave.”
“No, you won’t,” Freddy’s voice murmurs into my ear and his fingers link with mine, leading me down the steps. "Is she trying to get out of the date?” He shouts back to Dani.
“Yep!” she calls back, making Freddy shake his head and tut at me in dismay.
“I’m not used to dating.” My explanation makes me flush brighter than the burning sun.
He laughs even louder, his eyes dancing. “And you think I am? Come on, Amber, let’s wing it.”
I’m about to ask why he’s not practiced at dating, but the sight of his old truck parked up on the verge distracts me. It used to be flash as cash and top of the range. Now it’s decrepit and far more my type of vehicle.
“I think I prefer this now,” I say, admiring the rust mingled with the former metallic finish.
“That’s why I kept it. I knew how fond you were of all the knobs in there.” His tone is teasing and his eyes crinkle with laughter as he watches me try to clamber in the passenger seat and figure out how to work the seatbelt buckle.
“Are we going or not?” I snap.
He doesn’t answer, slamming the door and walking around to his side. I take the moment to practice my calm breathing.
Breathing is going to be the way to get through this.
In through the nose, out through the mouth.
In through the nose, out through the mouth…
“Strike!”Freddy shouts and gives a little fist pump. Pulling my ugliest face, I poke my tongue out.
Laughing, he comes and sits on the bench by my side and gives my knee a sympathetic pat. The continuous chuckling seriously undermines the sympathy. “Don’t worry, Amber, the next ball will go your way.” He laughs some more. “Well, hopefully the right way.”
“Ha, bloody, ha.” I stand up and place my hands on my hips, giving it some attitude.
Imagine my shock when I found out our second first date was to be at the bowling alley.
Grabbing a ball off the conveyor, I slide my fingers into the holes and try not to imagine the hundreds of people who’ve done it before me, nor where their fingers may have been.
“You should see your face,” Freddy mocks some more. “Do you want to ask the desk to clean the ball again?”
I roll my eyes and turn my back on him. Seriously, if he wasn’t Freddy Bale, wasn’t so hot, and I wasn’t hoping there would be some serious action later, I would have been out of the door ages ago.