Page 81 of Some Kind of Love
in the night
Hushed voices are whisperingdown the hallway, but silence fills the darkened lounge. I sit and stare into my brandy, happy to let the warm liquid work its magic and take my tingling numbness into an all-out failure to feel or think. It’s my third brandy, and I’m going to go out on a limb and say I’m pissed. I don’t even care who’s whispering outside the room, I’m just happy to concentrate on the citrus burn sliding down my throat.
I’m pouring another stiff one when Freddy walks back in, his face set, and his body language telling me he’s in charge. “Let’s go,” he says, taking the glass out of my hand.
Glancing up at him, I try to see through the brandy fog, but its heavy, dark hold won’t release me to Freddy’s care.
“I can’t,” I state with a minor slur.
“You can, andweare. Dani’s going to stay and make sure your mum is safe. You need space.” At the mention of my mum, I shiver involuntarily.
“No, that’s not necessary. This is all silly.” I say this but I can still hear the echo of Mum’s scream in my head and the sting of her slap. My fingers drift to the sensitised patch of skin.
Dani walks in, a pile of magazines under her arm. “Go.”
“I can’t ask that of you.” My tongue feels fat and useless.
“Are we best friends or not?” Dani drops the magazines on the table, and I cringe at the noise, worried it’s going to start Mum off again. Both Freddy and Dani see my flinch.
“Right, that does it.” Freddy bends down and hooks his arms underneath me, sweeping me up against his chest. “Don’t fight me, Amber. Just let me get you away from here, then we can talk about it. We can talk about anything and everything, but you need some space from here.”
Space. It seems to be all I’m getting at the moment. Space is the very last thing I want.
I need someone to steal my loneliness and never give it back.
Freddy leans in and whispers in Dani’s ear, keeping his voice low. I don’t know why, but it makes me feel mad, jealous, and everything in between. It’s the brandy taking control.
Once we are outside, I struggle out of his arms. “What did you say to her? Don’t pity me, Freddy Bale, I couldn’t bear it.”
He watches me, his ocean blues calm. “I’m not pitying you, Amber, I’m trying to help. I told her to ring me if she needs anything, that’s all.”
Remorse makes me flare into a blush. “Sorry,” I mumble.
“Just get in the car and let’s get out of here.” He swings open my door and I willingly sink into the worn seat. The moment the door shuts and separates me from the house, I start to relax. I don’t care where we are going because I just want to run away, even if it can only be for one night.
Fifteen minutes later,we are pulling up in front of the old Bale and Son’s property. The battered sign advertising the company name is no longer there, replaced with a tasteful, smart update. I think I prefer the old one. The brandy burn has mixed with fresh air and the blood in my veins feels like it’s on fire, zapping around my body, spoiling for a fight or something more.
“You brought me to work?”
“Yes, Amber. That’s what I do in a crisis. I bring a girl to work.”
“What girls?”
He rolls his eyes and leans across into my space. “Loads, millions, every day.”
“Are you going to come in with me?” His eyes dance, but for the life of me, I can’t think what he’s finding amusing.
“Nope. Not if you’ve done this before with other girls.”
Throwing his head back he lets out an exasperated sigh. “Don’t let me give you brandy again.”
“Who says you get to decide what I can have?” Now I am getting pissed off. That’s the sort of shit I got from Elliot for four years.
In a flash he is out the car and pulling on my door. “Amber, do be bloody quiet.” He grabs me again and hoists me up. I go from angry to turned on in approximately two seconds.