Page 85 of Some Kind of Love
“Isaac.” Freddy even makes me jump. “Your mum said now, so hop to it.”
I stiffen at the sink. This is the first time Freddy has stepped in between us.
Isaac scowls at Freddy, “You’re not my dad.” It’s a simple statement.
Freddy doesn’t flinch and his face remains calm, serene almost. “Guess not, but I just bought you pizza so that owes me a bath.”
Isaac just laughs. That’s right, he bloody laughs. I would be losing this battle of the bath and screaming by this point, but this is what Freddy does. He talks to him in such a way that he’s not actually telling him to do something, he’s just suggesting it in such a way that Isaac doesn’t know how to say no. It’s a clever trick and one I wish I’d learnt years ago.
“That’s true.” Isaac pushes back from the table and heads upstairs to the bathroom.
Spinning, I flick bubbles everywhere. “How did you get him to do that, without any discussion, argument, or face pulling?”
“My answer was true. He did owe me a bath. How can he argue with that?” He comes towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist and I cover him in bubbles as I run my fingers through his hair.
“You make things so easy,” I say, leaning in to kiss him. He hesitates for the shortest moment, but it’s enough. I can already tell he has something to say. “What is it?” Horror strikes me and I edge away. “Oh my god, you’re not going to tell me this is too easy again and break up with me?”
He laughs and reels me back in. “Nope, don’t be so dramatic.” He drops a placating kiss on my lips.
“Don’t kiss me if you’re going to dump me.”
“Amber! I’m not going to dump you!”
“What then?”
“Okay, sit down.” He leads me back to the kitchen table around which most of our nights take place. ‘So, I need to ask something, and I know you’re going to freak out.”
“Well now I’m going to freak out.”
A million different questions run through my head; the last one I’m expecting is the one he drops on me.
“I’m thinking about racing again? What do you think?”
I sit back in the chair with a thump. “You’re thinking of doing what?”
“Racing, again, if you agree.”