Page 23 of Make Me Yours
She’s back at it today, and just like every night this week, I’m right here with her. Watching her, looking after her, and making sure she stays safe. Even if it’s from a distance, she knows I’m here. It’s why she’s doing this, why she keeps coming to places she knows I’ll be. It’s the reason she travels all the way out here to the slums of Pleasant Hills, instead of into the depths of the glamorous Galen Grove where she belongs. She knows I’ll be following closely to ensure she stays out oftrouble.
Cause my girl may not like to cause trouble, but trouble sure as hell likes to follow her.
One thing she doesn’t know is this game she’s playing, trying to gain my attention, to get me to cave and give in to her. It will not work. It’s all been done before and I’m determined to keep her at arm’s length. I know I’m wrong for her. Stella is pure and kindhearted, and someone like me could only taint her angelic soul.
The upside, I’m a master of restraint.
However, tonight, she’s making it incredibly hard to stay away.
That damn outfit she’s wearing has kept my dick hard since the moment she walked in. The way she moves on the dance floor, swaying back and forth to the beat of the music, it’s so fucking hot. Better yet, is the fact she does not know the effect she has on me or any other fucker in here. There are two girls around her I recognize from school, who always seem to be by her side lately, though their names are lost on me. At least she’s smart enough to bring someone with her, but that it’s two strangers makes me wonder if Scar and Jade know what their roomie is up to.
Looks like now that Scar’s moved in with Ace, and Jade spends every night hiding out with Sebastian. Stella’s on her own. At least Ruby still keeps an eye on her from time to time, but she’s not here tonight.
Looking around at the hordes of drugged up partygoers, I curse the day Ruby first introduced her to this place. Unknowingly, of course, she latched on to it and it quickly became her favorite spot for the type of mind numbing experience she was looking for. Here she can easily forget all about the pressures of being Stella Silver and blend into the masses. Only she doesn’t.
She stands out even more than she ever thought possible. Because amongst the addicts, whores, and gangbangers, stands a precious princess.
“One of these days you’re going to have to make a move, Saint,” Jax snickers, coming up beside me, patting my back as he hands me a cold beer. The music streaming from the overhead speakers helps tune out his voice, but not as loudly as the fierce thundering of my pulse in my head.
I shake my head in disagreement, trying my hardest to put in place my mask of indifference I wear when Stella’s concerned. “You already know that will never happen, Jax. I won’t let myself cross that line again.”
Jax coughs loudly, nearly choking on his beer. A few heads nearby turn and scowl at us, clearly upset we’ve disturbed their extracurricular activities. “Again? So that means you already have?” he asks, amused.
I kissed her, almost allowed myself to go further, and never plan on going there again.
I take a long swig of the drink in my hand, the ice cold beer cooling the burning flames inside of me. “A drunken mistake I’m lucky didn’t go too far. It would have been a gigantic mess to clean up and frankly, I would have never forgiven myself if I did something I’d later regret. Good thing even drunk me has self-control.” I bring my beer up to salute him, though he is no longer amused.
“Whatever man, if you don’t lock it down with Little Silver…” He bites his lip as he watches her move to the music blaring from the speakers above, though I know it’s only to anger me. “Someone’s going to beat you to it, and if I know you at all, I know that’s going to drive you fucking crazy.”
My blood boils at Jax’s comment. Fucking bastard. He’s one hundred percent right, but I can’t let it show. No fucking way I’m letting any fucker get within two feet of Stella.
“They can try all they want, Jax, but no one will ever be good enough for her. The day I find someone who is, is the day I walk away.”
The club is overly crowded tonight. It’s Wednesday, which here atThe Junglemeans Wild Wednesdays. Single chicks from all over town, and the bored rich girls from Hillcrest Hills who feel like being bad for the night, come out with their animal print dresses barely covering their asses, leaving their panties at home, hoping to find a bad boy to ride. The guys roam the bar and dance floor like predators ready to strike the moment these girls’ trip over their own two feet.
Jax shakes his head, laughing at my expense, well aware that was going to be my response. “Well, today may be your unlucky day, my friend. Looks like someone took advantage of your distraction.”
I look up to where he’s pointing his chin toward and see some frat looking douche making his way in between Stella and one girl with her, Bex I think her name is. His blond hair is gelled in place, and his fucking polo is bright green. No fucking way this guy is getting anywhere near her.
“I can practically see the smoke coming out of your nose, Kai,” Jax mocks as I glare at the idiot in beige loafers. “It seems like Chad over there has a death wish. Everyone around here knows not to mess with the pretty girl with the silver eyes. They all know she’s yours, even though you have yet to accept it, and that cut you wear usually does the trick.”
I chug the rest of my beer, slamming it down on the counter behind us, “Guess he must be new around here. Either way he’s a fucking dead man,” I snarl, spitting at the floor adjusting the notorious cut Jax is talking about. He’s right, it usually does the trick on its own but looks like tonight. I need to give it a little push.
Strolling over to where they are in the middle of the crowded dance floor, I don’t give the guy more than a second to react before I pluck him by the collar of his puke colored shirt and pull him toward me. His red hazy eyes go wide the moment he looks into mine, surely seeing nothing but unfiltered rage, because that’s exactly what I feel right about now. He’s dumb enough to speak. I can see his lip twitch smugly, but when he looks down at my jacket, taking in the gold and green embroidered cobra baring its teeth curled across my chest, realization hits him like a bucket of ice cold water. Even high as fuck, he’s not that stupid.
The Cobras are notorious around the neighboring towns but here in Pleasant Hills, they’re the fucking law. Pretty boys from out-of-town aren’t lost in that fact.
“Fuck, shit I’m sorry man,” he stutters like a fucking moron, “I didn’t see her come in with anyone. I didn’t know she was yours.” I growl at his response, Stella still dancing behind us without a care in the world about what’s going on right before her.
“She’s not fucking mine,” I growl, irritated everyone keeps saying that. “But that doesn’t mean she’s yours. Now get the fuck out of here before I break something no amount of daddy’s trust fund could fix.”
He nods fervently, rushing off toward the exit, his pack of wild douches following quickly behind him with their tails between their legs. The girls with Stella stare at me with their mouths dropped open in disbelief, and as always Stella’s in fucking la-la-land, drunk off her ass, while she continues to dance around, unaware of what’s happened before her.
I disregard the girls gawking and walk over to Stella, wrapping an arm across her lower back and bringing my right hand to grip her neck, forcing her to look my way. Sweat drips down the right side of her face, her tongue coming out to lick across her top lip, glistening with her perspiration. “One of these days, Dollface, this won’t end well,” I murmur against her forehead.