Page 26 of Make Me Yours
I chuckle to myself, “Zeke’s out tonight, though if you ask nicely, I’m sure I’d be able to help. I’m smarter than I look.”
“You look the part, pretty boy. That’s the problem. I don’t need you getting involved. I could use a drink though since I’m here.”
“Bars that way,” I say, pointing to the left.
Roman bites his lip as he watches Remi pouring shots for a group. “Who’s the babe behind the bar?”
I shake my head, “Trust me man, you don’t want to go there.”
“Why not? It definitely looks like I want to go there.” Roman’s eyes zero in on the way Remi moves along, using her usual charm to woo the patrons.
I place a hand on his shoulder, patting him lightly. “Cause Remington Spencer is trouble with a capital T. Way too much shit going on there. She’d eat you alive, Wolfe.”
“Like I said, it sounds exactly like what I need.” His eyes shift to where Lexie, her twin, walks up behind her to pick up an order. “Oh fuck, there’s two of them? Wait, aren’t those the chicks that worked at The Gallows? They were Wes’s main attraction.”
Sadly, he’s right. Remi and Lexie brought in the high rollers to Wesley Servite’s illegal nightclub. Roman would know since until recently he was Wesley’s lap dog. “Like I said, you don’t want to go there.”
Now it’s he who pats my back, smirking wickedly, “Nah man, I think I already did, twice.”
After my shift is over, I walk upstairs to the main room of the clubhouse. The thing about Killian’s is my uncle Zeke not only owns it but takes up residence on the bar’s second floor. It belongs to The Cobras, along with The Jungle, and a few other five star establishments scattered around town.
Past the billiards room to the right is the conference room, a large den-like space where allmeetingsregarding Cobra businesses take place. To the left is Zeke’s apartment, a small two-bedroom place I occasionally used to crash at. I may have told Roman that Zeke wasn’t here, but the truth is, he’s always here.
I knock three times on his front door, a code signaling it’s one of his guys, and wait for him to come and open it. He takes no more than two minutes, then suddenly the door is swung open, revealing an irritated Zeke. He’s trimmed the dreads since I saw him last week and cleaned up the beard across his jaw, making it no more of a long layer of stubble against his skin.
“What the fuck do you want, boy?” he snarls, clearly pissed I’ve interrupted his night off.
I smile wide in response, “Nice to see you too uncle, mind if I come in?”
“Hmm,” he groans, stepping aside and letting me shuffle in. I find his old lady, Renee, standing in the small kitchen, hovering over a pot of something that smells delicious on the stove.
“Goddamn that smells delicious, Renee. Think you have enough for me?” I ask, ignoring my uncle’s grunts as I head over to her. She looks up at me, taking my face in her palms as she places two kisses on each of my cheeks.
“Of course, sugar, there is plenty. Sit down, I’ll get you a plate.” I move to sit at the dining table set up to the left but stop as my uncle speaks.
“He won’t be staying. His shift’s over, which means he’s headed back to Servite. It’s a school night.”
“It’s Spring break, Zeke, no school for a whole ass week.”
“Fuck,” he grunts once again, taking a seat across from me.
Renee brings over a bowl of chicken noodle soup, and a few rolls of bread, setting them on the table in front of me. “Let the boy enjoy his hot, home cooked meal. I know it’s probably shit compared to the five course meals he gets at that ritzy school, but the difference is this food is made with love.” She kisses the top of my head, making my uncle grunt yet again.
Renee isn’t your typical MC President’s old lady. Renee’s attractive, for a woman who’s my uncle’s age, like forty-five or something, short brown hair, and kind eyes. She’s not covered in tattoos or baring every inch of her body like the other girls out there. Just keeps it simple in black jeans and a leather jacket.
“What are you really doing here, kid?”
I slurp a spoonful of soup and bite into a roll, “Roman Wolfe stopped by today, wanted to speak with you,” I say between chews.
“I’ll go see if Remi and Lexie are done with their shifts and take them a bit of dinner,” Renee says, understanding it’s time for her to clear the room.
“Alright, but don’t bring them back here. One unwanted visitor is enough for the night,” Zeke shouts out as Renee walks out the door.
“She’s going to bring them back here, isn’t she?” I ask, shoving another roll into my mouth. Zeke hands me a beer from the fridge and sits back down.
“Women, they never listen, yet we can’t live without them.” I shake my head in disagreement, but Zeke doesn’t pry. “What did Chaz’s boy want?” he asks, referring to Roman and Jade’s dad, who we now know is dead. Not so long ago, the boys and I found out it was actually Roman who killed him, by order of Wesley Servite. I don’t ask how he knows about Chaz Wolfe, assuming he did business with him at some point. I mean, he was a drug dealer.