Page 44 of Make Me Yours
“It’s time to go.”
All around me, they watch with curious eyes and confused expressions. There are no congratulations, noI’m proud of you, nothing. Just a matter-of-fact statement with no emotion.
My gaze travels forward, meeting his icy blue stare filled with such bewildering hate. In this moment, it’s so blatantly obvious how much he despises me. I can’t be the only one who can sense the hatred this man holds for me, and I’m not. In my peripheral vision, I see Sebastian’s eyes move from mine to his father’s, for once noticing that his anger and resentment are directed at someone else.
“We were going to head down to the beach to celebrate tonight, father,” Sebastian mutters, his eyes focused on me.
“Stella has plans,” my uncle states without further explanation. Not like he needs one.
Suddenly I feel someone appear from our right. “Her plans are with me,” they say, and the look in my uncle’s eyes is overcome with anger. I close my eyes the moment I hear his voice. It’s not only the last voice I expected to hear right now, but also the only one that makes me weak in the knees.
I hear someone behind me gasp, only I’m not entirely sure who it came from.
“Is that so?” Stephan asks, his tone of voice as volatile as can be. Silence surrounds us as I open my eyes and stare between my uncle and Kai, their glares equally frightening, and neither one of them even blinking.
Kai has removed his graduation gown, now only wearing his Cobra MC cut over a white tee and dark jeans. I look aways when I feel him come up closer behind me, my gaze remaining glued to the floor at my feet.
He places a hand on my lower back, slowly inching me closer to him. “I’m sure if we leave now, I may be able to get her home at a decent time.”
Anger vibrates through my uncle, the thick vein across his forehead bulging and pulsing with fury. I can see his hands fist at his sides, nails drawing blood from his palms, while Eliza’s grip on his arms tightens, sensing he’s a bomb about to detonate.
The fucking nerve of this guy, putting his hands on me, and implying something that isn’t true. I see red, my rage equally consuming as the fear coursing through me. This will be the end of me. I knew I’d never make it past graduation, only I never expected my untimely end would come the day of.
Slowly, my terror-stricken eyes roam up to find Stephan’s locked on me.
“Believe me son, Malachi, is it?” Kai grunts. “Something tells me you're a smart kid. You’d do best to keep your dirty hands away from my niece. Stella’s future is set and trust me, that would never include the likes of you.”
Kai steps forward, shoulders back and chest puffed out, “With all due respect Mr. Silver, Stella’s a big girl. I’m sure she can decide for herself.”
My uncle steps forward, closing the space between them, the two of them now chest to chest. I cower down watching as everyone else, including Bass, takes a step back. “You overestimate her capability.”
“You underestimate mine, sir.” Not even Sebastian has ever looked so brave standing up to his father as Kai does this very moment. Brave but stupid, so fucking stupid.
If Kai wasn’t on my uncle’s radar before, he sure as hell is now. I’ve done my best to hide my friends and any relationships from him, although there haven’t been many, but Kai’s waving red flags in the air, putting both of our lives in danger.
I flinch as my uncle turns toward me, his hand gripping my shoulder tightly, pulling me toward him, his maniacal laugh ringing in my ears. I’m a dead girl walking.
“Let me offer you some advice, from a father to a fatherless son.” I cringe while simultaneous gasps are heard around us, yet Kai’s expression remains blank despite my uncle's jab at him. “There are things in life we have no control over, and others we are responsible for. Your less-than-ideal upbringing, for example, is not your fault. However, you were brought here, given opportunities people in yoursituationwould never have received.” Stephan’s eyes focus on the Cobra emblem stitched onto Kai’s vest. “Don’t fuck it up by getting involved with the wrong people.”
“And who would you say are the right ones, Mr. Silver?” Kai inquires, his question dripping with sarcasm.
I close my eyes, silently begging Kai to stop and walk away. I can’t bear witness to what will happen next. No good will come from egging my uncle on.
Stephan laughs again, “Those of us who wield the sword of power and privilege know when and how to use it. You wouldn’t want to be caught on the end of my blade, Malachi.”
Kai chuckles along with him, pulling his hand away from me and holding his hands up in surrender. “That won’t be necessary, sir.” Immediately, I miss his touch. Suddenly he looks toward me yet refuses to meet my pleading gaze. “I’ve changed my mind. She’s not worth the trouble.”
Everything inside me tightens. My lungs crushing me from the inside, my heart ripping apart at every paper-thin seam, as my blood boils threatening to suffocate me. Pity gleams in my friend’s eyes as they witness the last of my self-respect being shredded away.
The last jab of the sharpened blade comes next, this time coming for blood, just as my uncle lowers his mouth to my ear, whispering against it. “Your parents would be damn proud of the disappointment you’ve become, my dear. It’s a blessing they’re dead.”