Page 85 of Make Me Yours
Leaning back against Kai, I can feel his body also relax as he wraps his arms around me, holding me close. He lowers his mouth to me, still careful not to come on too strong, and whispers, “Let's get you out of here, baby.”
I nod, unable to form a single sentence, and allow Kai to walk me through the cabin, and out toward a black SUV, marked with California Exempt license plates.
Beside it, Elijah leans back against the passenger door, intently watching Kai and me as we approach him. Kai’s grip on me tightens the closer we get, and I know it’s just his jealousy getting the best of him. We haven’t been able to discuss what happens next with the craziness that just occurred, but I know we’ll have a chance to clear the air the moment we’re out of here and alone.
“Elijah,” I murmur as we reach him. Looking back at Kai, I silently ask him for a moment alone. He nods, reluctant, but understanding of what I need to do.
“I’ll wait for you in the car,” he mutters, stepping around the SUV and climbing into the driver's seat, but not before glaring daggers in Elijah’s direction.
“So, this is it,” Elijah states more than asks. He knows that our arrangement is long over, and we all got what we wanted from it.
“Was it ever going to end any other way?” I ask, trying to find the courage to smile.
“It’s never simple with you, Stella, nothing is. Nor should it be.” Elijah moves closer to me, brushing a loose strand of sweaty hair from my face. Behind him, Kai blares the car horn, but Elijah doesn’t stop. He just laughs, knowing damn well that was Kai’s only warning. His hand falls to his side. “You are an incredible woman. Strong, kind, with a heart three times the size of anyone I’ve ever met. Don’t let anything ever change that, Stella. I know he’s ready. If these two weeks proved anything, it’s that boy is fucking crazy about you.”
A hot blush creeps over my face and body at Elijah’s confession. “He was unbearable. Whining all day, ready to barge in here himself and ruin years of hard work.”
“Thank you, Elijah, for everything. I couldn’t have done this without you.”
“No need Little Dove. I’ll always be here to watch you soar.”
“So, what will you do now? Stay with the Cobra’s follow your dad as he takes the throne.”
“Nah, I felt too much of a rush unraveling Stephan’s entire organization. I think I’m going to see this through, maybe join the force and go put some more bad guys away. Who knows, maybe I'll find my own damsel to save.”
Without speaking, I charge at him, wrapping my arms around his waist, my head crashing against his chest. “Thank you, Elijah, thank you for being my rock through the hardest times I ever faced. I’ll never forget it.”
Kai blares the horn three more times, making all the remaining officers around us turn to stare. “Alright, go to your boy before they have to haul his ass out of here in handcuffs for running me over.”
We both laugh, but not a single trace of humor appears on Kai’s face. “Goodbye Elijah.”
“Never goodbye Little Dove. Until next time.”
He carried me in. Out of the car, up the stairs, down the hall, and into his bedroom. The entire drive here we were silent. I don’t think either of us knew what to say without breaking down. I felt like I was floating in the air, unable to tether myself to the ground, yet the weight of everything was weighing me down.
I know he felt the same, the agony of not knowing when he’d see me again, or if he would, weighing heavily on him. For two weeks I was miserable, thinking he hadn’t received my letter, and didn't understand the subtle message I left. I asked him to forget me, to not come after me, but deep down, that was my plea. He was supposed to come looking for me. I needed him to prove to me I was worth risking it all for.
As the weeks went by and he didn’t show, my heart broke repeatedly. But I never took off the ring.
Setting me down on the bed, he reaches down to remove my shoes without speaking. My socks come off next, as did his. The next second, he reaches over his back, gripping his hoodie by the neck, and pulls it over his head in one swift, incredibly sexy motion. He’s shirtless underneath, his perfectly toned and muscular body gleaming as the fading sunlight sneaks in and reflects off of him.
Kai turns, heading for the door, and I’m mesmerized by the various tattoos across his back. They’re intricate designs, nothing I can outright pinpoint, but regardless, they’re beautiful, a stark contrast to his fair skin.
Closing the door and locking it, he turns back and walks my way. Anticipation flutters in my stomach and follows the trail down between my legs. My thighs clench as he licks his lips, admiring me like I’m the most beautiful thing he’s laid eyes on, when in reality I’m a hot mess. My hair is tangled and flattened by sweat. My face is empty of makeup, my eyes red and puffy from how much I’ve cried the last two weeks, and my clothes, dirty and torn from the rugged terrain of the woods as my uncle dragged me away.
“Kai,” I whisper, but he doesn’t stop. Instead, he drops to his knees in front of me, reaching for my hands and gripping them in his. Our fingers entwine together as he brings my left hand to his lips, kissing me right above where the ring he gifted me sits.
“You’re wearing it?” he asks, so innocently and embarrassed, like he is afraid of what my response will be. I’ve never seen him like this, so vulnerable, not weaning his mask of indifference.
“Of course I am Kai. I’m never taking it off, so don’t you dare ask for it back.”
Kai doesn’t respond, nor does he let me continue, assaulting my mouth with his, and taking me in a mind-boggling kiss. The urgency of his lips against mine is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Needy, exigent, as much as he needs air to breathe, kissing me, biting me, his tongue dancing with mine as I open wider for him and let him take what he needs.
Cold hands slide under my sweater, pulling it upward until our lips part only for a second to allow him to slip it off over my head. In the next second he undoes my bra and it falls forward, revealing my taut nipples, hardened by both the chill of the room, and the arousal flowing through me. His lips crash down on me again and without parting away from me, he struggles with the button of my jeans, until he undoes it and yanks them over my ass, and down my legs, my panties going along with them.
Tucking his hands under my thighs, he lifts me and pushes me back against the pillows of his bed, climbing between them, his jeans, which much to my dismay are still on, rubbing against my bare center.