Page 11 of The Monster in Me
Suddenly I’m thrown onto the floor as the massive guy holding me falls beside me, crushing me with half of his body. “Get your fucking hands off of her!” Bass shouts, as he moves to punch Skeet right across the jaw. Skeet’s head falls to the side, his mouth spewing blood as he lands on his knees on the ground beside me, while his buddy stands and rushes toward Bass, throwing himself over him. However, Bass is still taller and quick to lay the fucker down. Skeet rises to his feet charging after Bass who is kicking Skeet’s buddy in the ribs. Skeet swings a punch toward Bass who easily catches his hand midair, crushing it and twisting his arms until he spins him holding him in a headlock. Bass then kicks Skeet in the back of his knees, making him fall to the ground.
“It’s time for you to beg for your pathetic little life asshole,” Bass growls, as he tightens his grip on Skeet’s neck.
“You little shit, you don’t know who the fuck you are messing with. It’s not smart to piss off The Order,” Skeet says, spitting out blood and maybe a few teeth. I watch with wide eyes as Bass’s scowl deepens, a homicidal look flashes in his eyes as he looks up at me. I shake my head in confusion, afraid of what Bass might do.
Bass lifts his knee, ramming it in Skeet’s back dropping him to the floor. He stands with his foot pressing down on Skeet’s neck, making the fucker gasp for air. “You tell Kane, he just fucked with the wrong girl,” Bass says, crouching down and kneeling beside Skeet as he lowers his head to his. “You tell him, his pathetic little errand boys, just fucked with Sebastian Silver’s girl.”
The two men lay on the floor groaning and wincing in pain, bloody, beaten, and whimpering in agony as Sebastian walks over to me. “Jade, baby are you okay?” he asks, reaching down to me and scooping me up into his arms, not caring that he’s all sweaty and covered in blood. Not caring that he just beat these two shady men halfway to death in front of me. My body is quivering in fear, as he helps me to my feet.
“Yeah, I’m just, oh god Bass,” I cry out remembering what just almost happened, as he wraps his arms around my body, my face settling in the space between his chest. It feels oddly comforting. I inhale his musky, sweat riddled scent, mixed in with the metallic blood splattered across his shirt, “I thought, fuck I thought…” My words fail me as the thought of what could have happened to me had he not shown up terrifies me.
“Shh, you’re okay baby, I’m here. You’re okay,” he assures me, his hand not wrapped around me caressing my head. I lift my head up to gaze at him, his eyes glazed with anger and worry. Even with a busted lip, and dirt stains on his face he looks fucking beautiful. His dark hair all disheveled and stuck to his forehead with sweat, the stubble on his chin, even though earlier was clean shaven, is now starting to appear. His eyes trace over me suddenly coated in lust as he watches me watch him.
“Is it wrong that all of that turned me on?” I blurt out, quickly bringing my hand up to cover my mouth as I realize I vocalized my thoughts.
A sexy smirk takes over his scowl as he shakes his head in amusement. “Let’s get you back inside and all cleaned up,” he murmurs, lifting my head up and placing a soft, tender kiss upon my forehead. It’s so unlike him but feels so fucking perfect. Something strange flutters inside of me, and not the usual arousal that courses through me when his lips are on me.
I know I look like shit, my hair disheveled, my makeup most likely smeared from the tears falling upon my cheek, but when I see the look of horror flash before his eyes as he stares at my reaction to his kiss, the look of someone who has just witnessed something horrendous, I realize he’s like this because of what could almost have happened here. I was furious at his little show of who’s the alpha with the bigger dick earlier with the innocent bartender, but now, as I watched him beat the shit out of these two assholes who tried to take me, I see the look of someone who cares. Someone who would be torn apart if something were to happen to me. I haven’t seen that look upon anyone's face, not when it’s come to me.
“No Sebastian,” I mutter, his expression shifting to one of confusion, “Take me home, take me with you.” He runs a hand gently through my hair, his fingers moving to trace the speck of tears falling upon my cheek. “I don’t want to be alone.”
We head back to his place, both silently staring at the road ahead of us, wordless and in shock. How would I even respond to everything I just witnessed; he beat the shit out of two huge guys with his bare hands. Like who does that, unless they’re some psychopath or killer, and before today I didn’t think Sebastian fell under either category. But the way he moved, the way he came out of that brawl practically unscathed, makes me wonder if this is something that happens fairly often in his world. I know this world is more than meets the eye, Hillcrest Hills has secrets hidden in every corner, under every surface, and embedded deep in its foundation.
Suddenly I remember what that lowlife Skeet told Sebastian before he fell to the floor under his heavy boot. Something about an order or whatnot. However it was Bass’s response which made me believe this wasn’t a coincidence, or at least he knew well enough who these guys were, or at least who they worked for.Kane. That was the name they both said, Skeet while he spoke to his buddy about taking me to him, and Sebastian as he told them to tell Kane he messed with the wrong girl. His girl.
I realize that’s the second time tonight Bass has claimed me as his, first to the bartender he argued was flirting with me, and again when addressing Skeet. I need to remember to address that issue at some point and correct him, but right now I need to know who the hell those guys were.
“Who’s Kane?” I blurt out casually, causing Bass to hit the brakes, abruptly stopping in the middle of the street.
“What the fuck Jade?” he asks, turning his attention to me. “You’re going to make me crash.”
I turn and glare at him, rolling my eyes at the absurdity of his comment. “Don’t ignore me, I asked you a question.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” he replies, clearly bullshitting me as he starts driving, crossing the city line back into Hillcrest. Galen Grove, where we just were, is supposed to be some high-class party town, glitz glam and the whole shebang like Hillcrest Hills, not some debauched crime ridden slum like Providence or even Pleasant Hills, which makes me wonder why some third-rate criminals are stalking it’s streets. Then again I remember Hillcrest Hills has its fair share of criminals and devils too.
“When you were stepping down on the asshole’s neck you said tell Kane he fucked with the wrong girl, and Skeet,” Bass turns to me shocked that I knew the guy’s name, “His idiot friend let it slip,” I say, continuing my story, “Skeet said that Kane wouldn’t mind me being underage even though he prefers them legal.”
“That fucking asshole!” Bass shouts, startling me as he impulsively punches his steering wheel. I flinch at the brash act, still a bit jumpy from my earlier encounter. His anger radiates through him like an electric current, which I’m sure if I could see, would look like red and orange flames coursing through his veins.
My voice heightens, my frustration getting the best of me as I turn in my seat. “So that’s why I’m asking who the fuck is Kane?” He doesn’t bother looking at me, doesn’t even acknowledge me sitting beside him as his gaze remains directed at the road before us, his lips twitching in anger. But I’m not satisfied with his answer or lack thereof. “Bass…”
“Nobody you need to worry yourself with,” he finally says, interrupting me. “Fuck Jade, it’s none of your concern.”
Now it’s me who’s pissed at his dismissal of my question and the obvious frustration of my own curiosity. But he’s not the one who was almost kidnapped, I’m the one who needs answers. “Like hell it isn’t, need I remind you I was the one that was about to be taken and…” I pause, unable to finish my statement, not wanting to think about what they might have done to me. Bass stops at a red light, turning to me and reaching out to cup my face in his palm, his demeanor instantly shifting from furious to placid.
“Shh,” he mutters, bringing his thumb to rub against my lip. The rough tip of his finger grazes the soft sensitive skin of my lips opening them slightly as I fight the urge to dart my tongue out to lick it. “I will never let them, or anyone for that matter, hurt you Jade.” His confession stuns me, and I am unaware of how to respond to that. So I don’t, I just stare straight in his eyes, into the deep gray clouds, past the rage, past the worry, and far down into the small glimmer of something I can’t quite decipher.
“But I,” he leans forward, closing the distance between us as he brings his lips a mere inch from mine. I instinctively stick my tongue out to wet my lips, my mouth suddenly dry and needy as I stare down at his thick, plump lips. In my peripheral vision, I see the traffic light turn green, then switch to yellow, and finally turn back to red as we sit here in silence only the roaring of the engine heard in the distance.
“Can’t you just thank me instead of hounding me with questions you have no business asking,” he mutters breathily, the huskiness of his voice coated in lust and desire as his eyes are fixated on my lips.
“Thank you,” I whimper, practically moaning from just his closeness. He darts his tongue out to lick his lips softly grazing mine as he does. I ache to feel his lips on mine, nearly giving in to my urges and taking his mouth in an electrifying kiss but I don’t.
“That’s my girl,” he says, slowly retreating and adjusting himself in his seat as the traffic light turns green once again. He steps on the gas, accelerating and speeding off into the darkness of the night. “Now let's get you home.”
I move to sit straight forward, leaning my head back against the headrest as I close my eyes and compose myself before I do something rash like jump over to straddle him and make us crash. But as his hand moves to lay upon my thigh, his fingers coarsely tracing circles around my goosebump covered skin before gripping me tightly, I sit back and let the feeling overwhelm me. He called me his girl once again, but this time, I didn't want to correct him.