Page 25 of The Monster in Me
Chapter 13
Deep down I didn’t think she'd actually show up. I mean sure I hoped she would, I nearly fucking prayed to whoever it is that listens to those, that’s she’d show, but I sure as hell didn’t expect her to. Jade is above all prideful and although that may at times mean she becomes irritatingly stubborn and dangerously impulsive, today it means she’s come to her fucking senses and realized this, with me, is exactly where she needs to be. At least I hope that’s why she’s here, but the way her clear green eyes glare in my direction, like they’re somehow expecting me to magically combust and burst into flames, I think that’s anything but the reason. The way she watches me like a feral creature on the hunt about to go in for the kill sends a shiver of desire through me. As her eyes glide over my body, lingering where I know she sees my now hardened cock imprinted through my jeans, I know what she craves.
But it’s not until her eyes look behind me, her body visibly stiffening, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her eyes darkening as her brows crease between her forehead, that I know what she really sees.
“Ugh who invited the rabid wolf?” Kinsley sneers behind me, making me nearly turn and strangle the whiney bitch with my bare hands.
Instead of doing just that, which I’m sure would cause me a hell of a lot more trouble than the two seconds of fun it would take to snap her neck is worth it, I stalk toward my Little Wolf. With every step I take in her direction my pulse quickens, my cock throbs from its confinement in my jeans, and my hands itch to feel her in them.
“About time you showed up,” I all but growl at her, but the raising of her brow tells me it was the wrong thing to say. Her eyes glower at me, a playful smirk teasing those luscious, plump lips as her body shifts under my gaze, a fuck you seen clearly in her stare.
“That’s no way to speak to the girl you’re no longer fucking now is it?” she scoffs, as she flicks her hair, which is down from its usual style and instead in soft beach waves around her shoulders, back. “At least not if you're hoping to pick up where you left off,” she adds coyly. But the look in her eyes tells a different story. She’s pissed and she’s just playing this stupid game of cat and mouse she loves, or in this case prey and predator, to distract me from the real issue at hand. One I’m almost sure of and one I know she’s currently evading.
I laugh as I bring one hand around her waist pulling her into me, the silky skin exposed above her low-rise leather pants and below her cropped shirt almost identical to the shade of her eyes, feels heavenly in my palm. I can hear her breathing falter as she looks up at me with wide eyes begging to find out what happens next. But I take my time, I savor every exhilarating moment as my free hand glides up her arm, dipping into the soft skin of her protruding collar bone and wraps softly around her neck, here in front of a crowd of my classmates, family, and friends.
I bring my lips to ear, using my chin to push the hair sitting on her shoulder back before taking her earlobe in between my teeth. I feel her writhing in my arms, her thigh which sits comfortably between mine, shifts pushing against my dick. “You better make sure to never run away from me again, because if you run Little Wolf,” my voice deep and hoarse as my grip on her neck tightens, causing a soft whimper to escape her lips. I grin against her cheek as I slowly run my tongue across it, from chin to ear biting down once again, “You can be sure as fuck I will catch you. And when I do, you better fucking pray to God or whatever other bastard you believe in, that I be struck by lightning or dragged away to fucking Hell. Because when I’m a starved fucking beast I show no goddamn mercy, especially to a wild, and feral little wolf like you that makes me fucking deranged.”
I walk away, without another word leaving her with her mouth hung open and what I’m sure is a slick wetness dripping from her cunt. It’s taking everything in me to leave her there, confused and wanting, but if I know anything about Jade, it's that she’ll fall for the trap I’ve set out for her. She thinks she can walk away from me, she’s so fucking out of her mind. There’s only one way this ends, her with me and me in her.
I’m going to fucking kill him for that stunt he’s just pulled. Actually I better add it to the long list of reasons I have to slit his fucking throat.
Sebastian Silver is a fucking arrogant, heartless bastard. Gorgeous but fucking infuriating.
Sebastian Silver knew my brother was back in town and kept it from me, conspiring with my sister behind my back. - This is also on the list of reasons I’m super pissed at Scar.
Sebastian Silver manhandled me in front of his posse and all these fuck heads from the academy, not to mention all the other bullshit he’s pulled in front of them in the past.
The conniving bitch, Kinsley, is here again and in her usual place as his pretty little shadow.
Sebastian Silver got me fucking PREGNANT.
I need to remember to add that one to the top of the list, it trumps them all.