Page 34 of The Monster in Me
Chapter 16
I drove straight home to the beach house after that little spectacle Jade caused in the middle of the track field on Monday, acting as if she had a say in who she could date. All fucking week, every chance I’ve gotten which have been few since she’s managed to avoid me, I’ve made it my goal to remind her who it is that she wants and if she’s going to go out with anyone it’s going to be me. I swear my baby is clueless sometimes. Jade’s mine and only mine, she needs to get that through that gorgeous thick head of hers before heads start fucking rolling, and I don’t mean hers or mine, but of that fucker Liam Walker and any other crazy bastard who dares to make a move on her. I’ve decided to stake my claim. It’s about damn time everyone at the academy understood that Jade Wolfe belongs to me, even if she’s late in the game, and I will be doing just that tomorrow night when she goes on that little date with the soon to be dead bastard.
It’s fucking Thursday, so first, it’s off to see the old man.
“Today's meeting is slightly different, son. With Wesley gone, there’s going to be a shift in the way we do business,” his crass tone shows that he’s been contemplating making his move for quite some time. Although my father’s relationship with the dead asshole went beyond just business, I know deep down he wanted Wesley out of his way. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d planned to take over, were the bastard not already dead.
“All of a sudden we are going clean father,” I sneer, mocking him, “Are you going to tell me you’ve suddenly found you had a soul and are going to dedicate your work to helping the poor and saving the whales.”
“Funny son, glad to see your sense of humor has improved in recent days. You’ve seemed less robotic in the last few weeks.” My mouth twitches in anger as I hear his silent insinuation.
“Yeah well I guess Wesley’s death was more significant than we all thought.”
“That it was son. If I’m not mistaken you’ve found a new, might I be as bold as to say, toy.” His smile proves he isn’t asking but more insinuating.
“Stay away from her father,”
“Is that a warning?” he asks amused.
“More of a heads up, that goes for your lackey’s as well. You’ve been out of town for some time so I haven’t had the pleasure of relaying the message. Kane Dalton better keep his filthy paws off of her.”
“Ahh yes, I hear Mr. Dalton is quite taken with the girl. However, I see now he isn’t the only one. Might I remind you son, you have a duty to this family, to me, so I will allow you to have your fun, but don’t forget where your loyalties lie. I would hate for something unexpected to befall the poor child. I hear she’s already been through so much.”
“You son of a bitch,” I shout, rushing toward him, but immediately freeze before my fist connects with his jaw. I feel a cold barrel pressed against my abdomen, as my father’s lifeless, steel blue eyes stare directly into my monochromatic gray ones brimmed with rage. “Wow, really pulling a gun on your son, father?”
“Enough, I’ve allowed this to go too far. You will respect me, you ungrateful swine. I am your father, and you owe me everything. Don’t you dare forget it. You don’t want to have me as an enemy Sebastian. If you thought Wesley was evil, if you fear Dalton and The Order, you have no idea what lengths your old man will go to, to ensure that this family, the Silver name, remains at the top.”
“I can see now the lengths you’re willing to go to father.”
“And don’t you forget it. Now, have a seat, let's try this once more, and this time try to be civil.”
“This time don’t pull a fucking gun on me.”
“Oh please, it’s not even loaded,” he says, though I’m not sure I believe him.
“Are you going totell me why your little whore is causing this family so much trouble? Care to explain what thefuckthat Wolf girl was doing meeting with Kane?"
“Bass what the fuck?!” Ace calls out, his voice muffled by the sound of my fist hitting the wall. I’ve been relentlessly throwing punches against the wall of my bedroom for twenty minutes, blood dripping down from the gashes along my knuckles, puddling on the hardwood floor. I ignore Ace while he continues to shout, phrases I cannot make out, the ringing sounds in my ears making it too hard to focus on what he’s saying.
What. Fuck. Think. Doing.
His arms suddenly wrap around my waist as he tackles me down onto the floor, falling on top of me and landing a fist straight across my jaw. Son of a bitch.
“Snap the fuck out of it Sebastian!” he shouts out, his eyes glazed with fury, and subtly tinted with worry. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
I push him off of me with ease, the adrenaline coursing through my veins making it impossible for him to stop me. Quickly I jump to my feet, walk over to the restroom connected to my bedroom, and turn on the shower head climbing in clothes and all, letting the freezing water fall over me. I hate when it consumes me, the anger, the rage, the feeling of fucking helplessness. It’s the only constant thing I feel, the only emotions that overpower my senses, blinding me and throwing me into a fit of fury.
It’s exhausting. I scrub the blood of my knuckles, the ice water burning my wounds as it rubs up against them, but I welcome the pain. It’s a reminder that I’m still here, that all of this isn’t a nightmare, it's my reality.
A twisted, convoluted reality that I can’t escape.
“What’s gotten into you Bass?” Ace asks, his voice no longer threatening but softening, a more melancholic tone audible in his voice. “This isn’t like you.”
Closing my eyes, I let the water rain down my face before turning to face him. He leans back against the vanity, watching me with worried eyes. “This is me Ace. Always angry, dangerously violent. The only time I’m really myself, is in the moments after I see him. That’s when the monster comes out to play, when he overpowers me by sending the weak-willed little boy into hiding like I’m seven years old all over again. When I see him, I become the terrifying beast that is willing to do anything and everything to make sure he is seen.”