Page 40 of The Monster in Me
Chapter 17
“Wow, you weren’t kidding, you really are going,” Stella stammers in disbelief as she walks into my bedroom.
“I see it’s customary to walk in without knocking now, I guess it’s my own fault for teaching you that bad habit,” I sneer, ignoring her and putting the finishing touches on my makeup look for tonight. I’ve had to go a little thicker on the coverage adding a dark smokey gray eyeshadow to hide the dark circles and puffiness of my eyes that keep getting more visible. I have my first doctor appointment back in Pleasant Hills tomorrow with Sarah, so I’m hoping they’ll give me some advice on how to better hide mysituation. I can’t get myself to say the word.
“If you knock you are asking for permission instead of just announcing your arrival. Never ask for permission Stella, it gives them the ability to walk all over you,” she says, throwing my own wise words of advice back at me.
“A wise woman must have told you that…”
“Nope, just a badass, no fucks given, sassy bitch,” she answers, moving to stand beside my dresser. “I told her she was talking crazy, but I’m starting to think that was exactly her intention.”
“Where’s Scar, I don’t hear her sulking around the apartment?” I ask, adding a pink lip gloss on my pouty lips. I guess that’s one good thing that’s come out of all of this, my already plump lips look like I’ve injected some extra fillers. That and my boobs seem to be perkier than usual, especially in the top I’m wearing..
“When are you guys going to hash things out Jade, I swear I get so much anxiety being in the same room with the two of you,”
“We’re fine Stella, don’t worry about us.”
“Bullshit, just because you’re not at each other's throat, the way she was with Ruby, doesn’t mean you guys are cool. I mean she’s hardly ever home because she’s terrified of you deciding that you are back to being mad at her and will take off again. Seriously Jade have you guys even talked about what happened?”
I ignore her, combing a brush through my freshly showered hair. “I’m not ready to talk to her…”
“Bullshit!” she shouts, interrupting me. It’s sudden, uncalled for, yet makes me a little proud.
“Wow someone has the mouth of a sailor,” I mock, unable to hide my amused smile.
She rolls her eyes annoyed I’m not taking her seriously, “Yeah thanks to you, but I’m serious Jade. You’ve been saying that for weeks now. Just talk to her, your birthday is coming and I know you don’t want to celebrate your eighteenth birthday without her.”
“Fine I’ll talk to her, but I’m not promising anything, I’m not sure I can just sweep this mess under the rug. I mean she knew my brother was back, Stella, she knew what he did, that’s not something you keep secret no matter the consequences.” I look down at my feet, swallowing down the hurt I feel at the memory of what Scar kept from me, “Not from your sister,” I whisper softly, but as the words leave my mouth, I remember I’m keeping a hell of a secret from everyone to and realize I’m no better.
Liam insisted on picking me up for our friendly dinner tonight. I only agreed because he asked nicely and in all fairness made it perfectly clear this was a dinner between two friends. Which is why I’ve decided I’m refusing, to in any way, refer to this outing as a date. It wouldn’t be fair to Liam, to lead him on knowing the current state I’m in, but I also really enjoy being around him and could use a friend who doesn’t know the Stephen King horror novel my life has been plucked out of. Not to mention the fact that I’m pissing Sebastian off in doing so, is a bonus.
Is it selfish? Probably. Do I fucking care? Not in the slightest. It’s what he gets for thinking he has any say in what I do or who I do it with, especially with the shit he pulled last night. Fucking bitch with her wack-ass nudes and fugly pussy, trying to entice him with something so blatantly desperate is not the way to go with Sebastian. He craves the forbidden, the unknown, and Kinsley laid herself out on a silver platter and was denied the pleasure of being his meal.
Instead he wanted to devour me. Though I didn’t give him the pleasure either.
I’m still pissed, even though he turned her down and told me about it like he owed me something. I must admit the notion brought a teeny tiny, barely noticeable smile to my face. Sebastian and I are nothing but two people who can’t seem to keep it together, fucking like rabbits every time we’re in the same vicinity. It’s not healthy to want someone this badly, someone I know is so fucking bad for me. Which is why I find myself waiting for Liam Walker, the Knight in Shining Armor of Servite Academy, Football Captain, and one of the most genuine people there is around here, the male equivalent of Stella.
Since it’s Friday, and Liam usually goes back to his parents’ house after practice to spend the weekend there, he’s asked me to meet him outside the academy’s gates. I find myself beside a large tree, those with the tiny purple flowers which stain the concrete when they fall, beautiful but cause a fucking mess, waiting for him to show. The guard in the booth beside the entrance watches me with careful eyes like I’m up to something, as if I didn't just walk out of the inside of those daunting gates. I decide against flipping him off, technically I’m on school property and I wouldn’t want to get some shitty detention because of it, so instead I pull out my phone and notice I have two unread messages. Weird, I guess I somehow had my phone on silent. I change the setting to vibrate as I type my password onto the lock screen and open up my message app. And I am not in the slightest surprised.
I open up the oldest message first seeing it’s from Liam.
LIAM: I’m on my way. I’ll be there at 7:00. Can’t wait to see you.
I look down at the clock on the screen reading 6:59 and cringe at the hopefulness in his text, making a mental note to make things clear to him tonight. We are friends, that’s all we’ll ever be able to be. I am almost about to call things off and head back inside claiming to have caught some stomach bug when I open the other unread message.
I inhale a deep breath when I see his name, well nickname, appear on my screen.
CUPCAKE: Don’t you fucking dare go on that date.
My body tenses as I reread his message over and over. The fucking nerve of the cocky as fuck, bossy fucking bastard that is Sebastian Silver. I’m startled by the sound of a car engine approaching as I look up and find Liam’s silver Audi convertible pulling up to where I'm standing. He looks fly as fuck behind the wheel, his blond hair swaying in the breeze and his aviator sunglasses covering those adorable baby blues. He’s wearing his letterman, obviously, and his smile widens to the tenth degree when he sees me. Punctual fucking bastard.
“Hey gorgeous,” he says, and I inwardly roll my eyes. I swear he needs to come up with a better tagline.
“Hey there handsome,” I reply, shuddering at the involuntary flirtatious tone in my voice. Fuck Jade tone it down a notch, don’t let these newfound hormonal imbalances throw you off. I walk over to the convertible, as Liam quickly exits the car, leaving it running, and walking over to open the passenger door. Of course he’s chivalrous, something Sebastian would never do, were we ever to go on an actual date. He’d probably just push the door open from his place behind the wheel not even bothering to wait till I was fully inside before driving off.