Page 48 of The Monster in Me
“That’s not fair Jade...”
“No but it’s the truth, and in allfairnessyou’re the last person that should decide what’s fair. It was your mother who made my life impossible, beating me black and blue just for fun. It’s your fault my brother left, because he couldn’t stand who my father became when he met Lilith, and it’s your fault Chaz is dead. Because he met your mother and that led him to the precise moment he died. I know I don’t know the logistics of it all, but I know enough. In the end everything bad that happens to me is your fault. I’m done giving you the power to break me.”
My voice cracks on the last word, as I push past the three of them, a hard wall blocking me from running away and forgetting everything about this place. Sebastian reaches out to me but the plea in my eyes makes him halt.
“Wait Jade,” Ace says, pulling something out of his pocket, a folded paper of sorts or a business-like card. “This is the address to Roman’s apartment, where he’s been staying. Scarlett wanted you to have this, if you won’t listen to her, then maybe Roman will be man enough to tell you the truth.” I look from the card in Ace’s hand over to Scarlett, whose expression is heartbreaking. I swallow down my pride and take the card from Ace, but I don’t thank them, I don’t apologize, I simply walk away.
I find Stella at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for me with a cupcake, and a scared look in her eyes. As I reach the bottom, she gives me a shy smile reaching out to embrace me, “Happy Birthday Jade,” she says holding me tightly. I don’t break, I don’t give into my emotions. I bite my tongue and hold back every tear that begs to be let out.
“Where is Kai?” I ask hoping he’s here, I could use a friend.
“He’s outside, saving you a spot at the bar,” she says, handing me the cupcake.
Fuck. I can’t drink, and I’m going to have to hide that from them.
“Let's go, I need my friends,” I say. shoving the cupcake in my mouth.
Happy Fucking Birthday to me.