Page 52 of The Monster in Me
I can’t ask Sebastian anything about The Order, I did that night Kane’s men attacked me and he wouldn’t tell me the truth. Even if he had, I’m not sure I'd be one hundred percent sure it was in fact the truth. When I spoke with the infamous Dalton, he made it clear to me that he and Sebastian have a history, however, the extent of it remains a mystery. There is one thing though I’m almost certain about, being Wesley Servite’s lackey, Roman must have run into The Order at one point or another. He might even know Kane Dalton on a first name basis, criminals tend to run in the same circles. So it’s my long-lost brother I’ll be interrogating and if he doesn’t crack, I’m determined to get answers one way or another, even if I have to go down to Galen Grove myself once again and talk face to face with Kane. For now I’ll be going to pay my big bro a little visit, and I'll be asking Liam to take me. After all, isn't that what friends are for.
Walking into my fourth period class, Physiology with Professor Langley, I immediately spot Liam sitting in his usual seat, third row, second to last seat, Casey and Leighton sitting on the table tops in front of him. The desperate glances they’re aiming at him are quick to give away the fact that neither of them, nor anyone for that matter, has managed to snag the attention of the star quarterback, who up until recently was hoping to score with me.
I briskly walk straight to him, all glances in the room tentatively watching me as I come to stand right behind the two wannabe groupies. “Beat it bitches,” I sneer, their laser sharp gazes instantly turning to me, as they foolishly try to set me ablaze with their minds. Pathetic.
“Excuse me,” Casey squeals, as she jumps off the table turning to face me, her arms folded against her chest as she pops her hip out irritatingly.
“I said fuck off bitch,” I utter, maintaining a passive aggressive expression.
“And who the fuck do you think you are,” Leighton shouts as she jumps off the table and moves to stand beside her bestie. I swear these two are pissing me off, all perfect looking in their tight little school uniforms, and Blair Waldorf imposter syndrome. As if.
I can feel my blood sugar dropping to dangerously low levels. Fuck I’m going to need a snack, and I’m not opposed to taking a bite out of these two twats. “No one. I’m a fucking nobody, but what I am is getting dangerously pissed off. So let me say it in a way your pathetic little minds can understand. Fuck. Off.” I pronounce it clearly.
“How fucking dare you bitch,” Casey sneers, her red hair bouncing in her ponytail as she pushes into me. Alright that’s it, the bitch is dead.
I step into her, pushing her back gently with just the tip of my pointer finger on her chest, “First of all, don’t you dare fucking touch me again, not if you’re fond of that pretty little face of yours.” I add slightly more pressure as I continue, “Second, I’m not in the mood for your phony show ofpower, and third,” now I have her backed up against the desk she so desperately wants to keep, “You're in my fucking seat.”
The class oohs and ahhs, snickering loudly as Casey pales in disbelief looking back at Liam who chuckles behind her.
Liam shrugs his shoulders so fucking smoothly giving them one of his famous gleaming smiles. “Sorry girls, Jade here asked me to save her a seat.” The two girls huff and puff as they walk off, making a point to push past me as they do. I can’t help myself, I swear I try but it happens almost by instinct. I gracefully stick my foot out tripping the bitch causing a domino effect of epic proportions.
The class erupts in blaring laughter, hooting, and hollering as Casey and Leighton quickly stand brushing off their less than graceful exit. “Oops sorry, might want to watch where you’re going next time, you know pretty faces and all.”
Ignoring me, they run off toward the two remaining seats on the far right of the room, while I take my seat spinning to face a wide grinning Liam. “I need a favor from you,” I say, straight and to the point, not bothering to address the little fiasco that just occurred.
“Well hello there gorgeous, I’m good thanks for asking,” he mocks, and I swiftly punch him in the arm causing him to flinch. “Ouch, fuck sorry, I guess I deserved that.”
“Oh shut up, you swear like it hurts your impenetrable biceps.” I roll my eyes at him, clearly not enjoying the way this is turning out.
“Impenetrable huh?” he utters with a sly wink. I give him my infamousdon’t fuck with meglance and it turns out the boy isn’t all brawn and no brains. He’s impressively quick to understand I’m not in the mood to play around. “Alright sorry,” he apologizes, straightening in his seat before leaning forward on his elbows to meet me. A whiff of his overindulgent Axe body spray makes me terribly queasy. “But seriously what the fuck was that about?” he asks, raising a blond brow quizzically.
“Nothing, I need a favor,” I say once again, this time whispering so only he can hear. His blue eyes tentatively look around the room to ensure nobody’s paying any attention to us, lucky for me they’ve all forgotten the little scene that happened just moments ago and are back to gossiping amongst themselves. “What is it?” he asks, his gentle eyes brimming with curiosity and excitement as he awaits my response.
“I need you to take me somewhere after school today, but I need you to be discreet and not ask any questions.” His mood instantly goes from excited to reluctant while he shakes his head, running a hand anxiously through his slightly long blond hair. He has to say yes, I mean I can’t exactly ask Sebastian for help, he’s more pissed at my brother than I am, not that I even understand why, but I know he’d go all protective alpha on him and the last thing I need is for those two to end up in jail or worse, dead.
“I don’t know Jade, look, with Sebastian showing up each and every time we’re together…”
“Don’t worry about him,” I say interrupting him, “I know for a fact he’s going to be out of town. He’s actually leaving right after lunch today and won’t be back until tomorrow. That gives us plenty of time for you to take me where I need to go.”
“Which is where exactly?” he asks.
I lean in closer to him, aware that prying eyes beside us are eagerly watching, surely ready to relay the message to their king. Hopefully by the time the news gets to him, Liam and I will be long gone. “To see my brother,” I whisper, his eyes going wide in shock. I guess that’s not at all what he was expecting me to say.
“Jade,” he mumbles, but I’m quick to wave him off.
“If you won’t take me I’ll just find another way to get there Liam. But I’m asking you, I came to you for a favor, trusting you my friend, would understand.”
He cringes slightly, closing his eyes for a moment and I know it’s because I’ve less than subtly sent him straight into the friend-zone, again. Looking up at me he gives me his most apologetic smile, “Sebastian won’t like it if he finds out, not only because you’re going to see your brother he for some reason hates, but because it’s me who’s taking you.”
I give him my best puppy-dog-eyed expression. “He won’t find out, Walker, I promise. Will you take me or not?”
He smiles softly, nodding and I can’t help but mimic it. “Yeah of course, how can I say no to you. Meet me after school on the field, I’ll park my car nearby and we can go right after practice is over, the guys won’t say anything.” I extend my hand to him, taking his in between mine.
“Thanks Liam, you’re a great friend and honestly I really need one right now.” His smile weakens, his eyes clouding with something ominous dark and melancholic before turning back to their beautiful shade of blue.
“I’m here for you Jade, anything you need, no matter what Sebastian says or does, I’m here.” I nod slightly, caught in a trance as I take in the genuine kindness he offers me.
I’ve never met anyone like Liam Walker. Someone who isn’t, for lack of a better word, broken. Never have I come across someone who doesn’t view the world with a daunting and dark microscopic lens, someone whose life hasn’t been wickedly cruel to them and still holds onto the innocence of not understanding what true solitude and melancholy looks like. It’s exactly what I need, it’s what I should be drawn to, for only the whole can fix the broken, yet it’s only the broken who understand what it feels like to break.