Page 80 of The Monster in Me
Chapter 30
Fluorescent twinkling lights, hysterical laughter echoing in the dark, and buzzing sounds of carnival rides and games in the distance. The delectable smells of kettle corn, funnel cake, and my all-time favorite deep-fried Oreos, consume all of my heightened senses as I walk hand in hand with Sebastian through the Pleasant Hills County Fairgrounds. A large Ferris wheel sits before us, spinning in slow motion as its patrons giggle and swing themselves back and forth despite the attendant's pleas to stop.
The PH fair has always been one of my favorite places to be, some of the only happy memories I remember have been here in these one hundred plus acres. It happens twice a year, the last week of April and then again the last week of August. I first came here four years ago when we arrived at the foster house, and Grayson and Sarah brought us to celebrate Kai’s birthday. Although the fair looks exactly as it did then, and every time I’ve come l since, this visit is entirely different. All my friends may be here, but I’m not with any of them. This time I’m walking hand in hand with the father of my unborn child.
It was Sebastian’s idea to come today, a welcome distraction after the doctor's appointment and the female blue balls I got after. We were seen by his stepmother Eliza, lucky for us she didn't see us leave the office, just me about to suck off her step son. Unlucky for me, I didn’t get properly fucked. You win some you lose some right?
“Do you want funnel cake or Oreos?” Bass asks me, while we wait in line at a concession stand beside the Ferris wheel, the same one I’ve spent most of my visits waiting by. Even before carrying a tiny human inside of me, I’ve had a gluttonous appetite and an even bigger sweet tooth.
“Why do I have to choose just one?” I pout, crossing my arms over my chest in defiance.
Bass’s eyes trail down to the exposed cleavage pushed up in my V-neck tank, smiling a sexy as hell crooked smile as he reaches out to cup my chin and place a small kiss upon it. “Because the doc said you had to watch how much sugar you consumed baby, remember something about genital diabetes?”
“Gestational you idiot,” Ace calls out, smacking him upside the head, “You can’t get diabetes in your genitals moron.”
“Same shit, you know what I mean. It can be bad for her and the baby,” Bass all but yells.
I smack his hand still gripping my chin away before looking around making sure nobody heard him. “Shout it even louder, why don’t you, I don’t think the whole fairgrounds heard,” I snap, turning away from him and walking up to the counter to order.
“Hi there, what can I get you?” the man behind the window asks with a kind smile.
“I’ll have a funnel cake with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream, topped with whipped cream and strawberries,and,” I say, glaring at Sebastian and elongating the word to prove a point, “an order of deep-fried Oreos with frosting for dipping.”
“Coming right up sweetheart,” he replies.
“What did you call her?” Bass shouts, slamming his fist against the counter making the old man jump in surprise.
“Cut it out Sebastian,” I sneer, “he’s old enough to be my fucking grandpa.” The old man shakes his head in disapproval.
“Let me tell you a little story son,” he mutters, leaning forward to speak to us, “I was just about your age when I met my dear Margaret. I used to bring her to this very fair when I started courting her…”
Bass scoffs beside me, his usual arrogant attitude sneaking and making an appearance. “We’re way past the stage of courting old man, so prove your point or stop talking.”
“Sebastian, stop you're being a dick,” I scowl, gripping his arm tightly and pulling him back.
“Tell me something new baby,” he growls, ignoring my demand.
“Alright son, point is I took her for granted. I assumed she would always be there, putting up with my drinking, dealing with my bad temper, and every other way I tried to control her.”
“So what you lost her, did she realize she could do better than you old man?” Bass asks mockingly.
The older man laughs, a genuine chuckle not one dripping in sarcasm like Sebastian’s. “Look at me son, you think I’d be working a street fair dealing with a bunch of trouble making punks like you if I still had her around. She left me, got tired of my sorry ass, and left. I’d hate for the same to happen to you.”
Bass’s eyes become overcome with rage, his fists tightening at his sides, his breathing turning heavy as he stares intently at him. “It won’t, she’s not going anywhere,” Bass roars, his voice quavering in anger, “I won’t fucking allow it.”
The old man laughs, loud and mocking, “Famous last words son,” he mutters, before walking away to retrieve my order.
I try my hardest to ignore the sudden look of despair that flashes over Sebastian’s eyes, but my emotions with the war against it. I turn to him, the anger I just felt now gone and in its place a newfound sense of pity. He honestly doesn’t believe he’s doing anything wrong trying to control every aspect of our relationship. This is all normal to him. His entire life he’s had someone, his father, telling him what he could and couldn’t do, planning his life out for him, every minuscule detail mapped out for the rest of his existence. This is his normal.
However, for me, I’ve been alone my entire life choosing what I do and who I do it with. No one tells me what to do, they can try, but I won’t allow it. Though with Sebastian, I find myself wanting to let him. Is that healthy, or am I too far gone, consumed with an overwhelming need for him, that I don’t care what he tells me to do as long as he’s right there with me?
He turns toward me, eyes suddenly glossy and sorrowful, his bottom lip trying its hardest to keep steady. I ache for him, for what he must be going through trying to work through all of these newfound emotions and this new sense of fear, with the baby, with me, with his father. I never stopped to think about how all of this has changed him.
I reach for him, standing on my tip toes and cupping his face in my palms. “He’s wrong Sebastian, I’m not going anywhere.” I softly touch his lips with mine, in them a promise I wasn’t allowed to make, but did nonetheless. I can’t assure him I’ll be here forever, but the least I can do is try.