Page 84 of The Monster in Me
“Shit,” I groan, just as Kane squats down and kneels before me, also dipping his fingers into my cut, and rubbing the blood in between his two fingers. Though instead of sucking them into his mouth like the creep Skeet, he reaches out to grip my chin, marking me with my own blood. His thumb grazes my mouth and I instinctively stick my tongue out to lick the wetness upon my lips. I cringe as the metallic taste of my own blood coats my tongue, instantly realizing what I’ve done, and spitting out at the ground.
Some of my bloody spit splatters over Kane’s face, a wicked smirk appearing over his calm facade when he wipes his face with his blood-stained fingertips only spreading it more. “I heard you’ve been causing some trouble Little Wolf,” he says, his smirk widening into a full ear to ear grin. “Word around town is you’ve caught the eye of a certain self-proclaimed king, a Horseman.”
“Cut the bullshit Dalton, ask what you want to know,” I boldly, or stupidly, shout out not being able to bite my tongue.
“You’re a plucky little one aren’t you...”
“Plucky is just another way of saying I have more balls than the three of you combined.”
“Oh you sure about that darling, I’ll show you if you still doubt it,” Skeet sneers, but one vicious look from Kane is all it takes to shut him up.
“I’m just here to chat a little love, no need to get all defensive. Friend to friend, just wanting to give you a bit of advice. Sebastian Silver isn’t for you darling, you could do so much better.” He reaches out to cup my cheek, but I’m quick to smack his hand away, causing him to laugh as he stands. “You know you and I would make a great team,” he mutters, reaching a hand out for me to take. I don’t want to but I’m tired of being on the floor at their feet and frankly need help getting to mine.
I grab his hand and he pulls me up, his arms wrapping around my waist to steady me. I freeze in his hold, curving back away from him. “I won’t hurt you my dear, not unless you give me reason to, and as of right now,” a hand traces down my face, “I see you as an ally not the enemy as others make you out to be.”
I look up and gaze directly into his eyes, the clear, crystalized irises hypnotizing me as his dark pupils dilate with desire. “Sounds an awful lot like a threat, Mr. Dalton. Last I checked, we have nothing in common. What could possibly give you the impression I want anything to do with you and your people,” I murmur, looking at a furious Skeet who watches his boss with his hands all over me. I almost feel like allowing Kane to keep his hold on me just to piss off the creep but decide it’s not worth the risk of angering the sociopath.
His fingers continue to descend, tracing the exposed skin of my neck and chest, his eyes following their trail down to the cleavage of my new, full tits. “All in good time my dear, you’ll come to realize how much having me on your side will truly be worth.”
“Get your hands off of her!” A gravely familiar voice shouts out in the distance. I turn and find the last person I ever expected to see today, nonetheless the one I’m most grateful for.
“Aaah yes I forgot you two are very close,” Kane utters sarcastically, surely knowing my brother and the current state of my relationship with him.
“I said get the fuck away from her Dalton!” Roman shouts, running toward us.
“Maybe she doesn’t want me to Wolfe, did you ever stop to think about that?”
“Please,” I whimper, pleading with Kane to let me go.
He looks back at me, not releasing me but holding me with one arm still wrapped around my waist. “Until next time my darling, I’ll be watching. Like I said, it’s not in your best interest to hang around Sebastian Silver. Those closest to him seem to somehow always come to harm.”
“Are you threatening my sister Dalton?” Roman asks, coming to stand directly behind Kane, but Skeet and his friend immediately step forward warning Roman away.
Kane releases me, his gaze not leaving mine as he speaks to my brother, “No, Jade and I are becoming quick friends, you know I take care of my friends, Wolfe.” The change in his tone of voice leaves me wondering if Roman lied about how well he knew Kane. Of course he did.
“Stay the hell away from her Dalton, I’m warning you.” Just as Roman throws his insult, Skeet, and his goon step closer, standing protectively at Kane’s side, their arms crossed, chests puffed out, acting like the lap dogs they are. “I may not have the man power you do with these two idiots at your side, but don’t fucking underestimate me Kane. This is my little sister you are threatening, I will burn hell to the ground to keep her safe and you know he will too.”
I’m at a loss for words as Roman speaks to Kane, explaining to him how much I mean to him. My heart beats at full speed with his confession, tears aching to break free.
Does my brother really care about me, or is this all for show? Though I’m not sure what Roman gets out of lying to Kane.
The moment the air hits my face, I hurl forward puking into the bushes located right outside the exit of the fun house. There goes the fucking deep fried Oreos. “Jade,” Roman calls out, coming beside me but not daring to touch me. “Are you okay?” he asks, his voice low and gravelly.
Once I’m done. I straighten, wiping my mouth with the hem of my shirt, and turning to face a worried looking Roman. “I’m fine,” I stammer, turning and heading toward the parking lot of the fair grounds. I’ll need to figure out a way home, I wonder if Sebastian’s still around here looking for me.
“Wait,” my brother calls out, reaching out to grab my arm pulling me back to him. I see him for the first time tonight, fully see him in all his bad boy glory. Black jeans, a white V-neck shirt, and a tight-fitting black leather jacket, hiding the ink covering his arms. His hair is cut short on the sides yet slightly longer up top, the gold silk like strands glowing under the lights above us. He’s beautiful, just as he’s always been, though in the depths of his green eyes, I don’t recognize the man staring back at me.
“I’m leaving Roman, thanks but I could have handled Kane on my own.”
“What the fuck Jade, what are you doing? You shouldn’t be handling Kane at all,” he shouts out, seemingly overwhelmed by my ability to get into trouble. I shake my head, laughing at the turn of events. What was one of my favorite pastimes has now become another tragic event.
“It’s not like I’m out here looking for him Roman, he keeps coming to me. At least that fucking creep he has working for him does. He appears everywhere.”
“Skeet?” he asks in horror. “Jade you need to stay the fuck away from that sociopath. Kane only keeps him around because he’s a ruthless killer, but he’s so fucking screwed in so many ways.”
“No shit Roman, I thought he was just a friendly guy from the neighborhood watch. Besides I don’t even know why they were down here in Pleasant Hills, it sure is a long way from Galen Grove.”