Page 86 of The Monster in Me
“Because she’s fucking pregnant!” Son of a fucking bitch.
I see red, blood fucking red looking back and forth between Sebastian and Roman who both have equally shocked and furious expression locked on their faces.
“What the fuck do you mean she’s pregnant?”
“What the hell do you think it means idiot. Jade is pregnant, as in she’s having a baby, my baby.” Sirens blare in my ears as my vision turns spotty, Bass, Roman, and an equally horrified Liam, coming in and out of focus. How fucking dare he blurt it out loud, not to mention to my own brother.
“You son of a fucking bitch!” Roman roars, as he charges toward Bass, tackling his ass to the floor. I’ve never seen anyone drop him down that way, then again I remember the story he told Scar about Wesley finding him beaten near death outside an illegal cage fighting club. “You got my little sister pregnant!” Roman continues slamming his fists once, twice, into Sebastian’s jaw. Blood splatters out of his mouth before he reaches out to catch Roman’s third punch midair, twisting his arm and spinning him into a headlock position.
Now Sebastian’s on top, choking the hell out of my brother. My yells are violently high pitched, though I don’t think anyone can hear them. Suddenly Ace, Scar, the Horsemen, as well as my foster brother’s all show up running over to stop the brawl between the two men in my life. The two men that will surely drive me to an early grave.
“Enough! Both of you please stop!” I cry out, tears springing from my eyes. Something in them snaps, both of them turning to face me with sorrowful gazes. “Just please stop. I’m done with the violence for tonight. I just want to go home.”
“I’ll take you home,” both Bass and Roman say in unison.
I shouldn’t go home with either of them, but although I need to explain to Roman what Bass meant and tell him about my pregnancy and relationship with him, I promised myself I would try and make things work with Sebastian. And tonight, all I’ve done is run and hide at the first sign of conflict. I need to fix this, hear him out, work things through, if not for my sake then for my Little Monster.
I walk over to Roman, who’s left eye is already swelling and turning a darker shade of purple, “Look Roman, I’m sorry you found out this way, trust me this is not how I would have done things,” I turn and glare at Sebastian, who intelligently lowers his head staring at the ground at his feet. “But it’s true. I’m pregnant, it’s his, and I’m having this baby. I know we need to talk, work things out, talk about all of this, but tonight, I need to figure this out with Bass.”
“No listen please, I’ll come to your place next week, we can fix this. I miss you Roman, and by the looks of it, I could really use my brother.”
Immediately Roman wraps his arms around me tightly, embracing me in a long overdue hug. I melt in his hold, tears surely ruining his leather jacket, like acid as I bury my face into his chest. “Gia, baby,” he says, calling me by a nickname I haven’t heard in years. “I miss you so fucking much. I’m here my sweet girl, always. I’m so sorry for everything.” I nod, unable to speak as he holds me for a full five minutes, no one speaking, no one rushing us.
After a moment, I pull back, looking up to face him, “Thank you Roman, for tonight. For being here, for coming to,” I stop not wanting to divulge what he rescued me from, “For knowing when I needed you.”
“I’m holding you to it Jade, next week, you and me.” I nod as he gazes into my eyes, the most genuine smile and tenderness flashing before his green eyes as he lowers his gaze to my stomach. He brings a hand forward, with his gaze silently asking for the go ahead, and I nod in approval. His hand rests upon my stomach, my big brother touching my Little Monster. I hear Scar gasp behind me, and I know she’s sobbing just as much as I am.
“I guess right now wouldn't be the best time to tell you Scarlett’s also pregnant,” I mutter, in between snotty sobs, and his eyes instantly bulge out in terror looking behind me at where Scarlett stands with Ace wrapped around her.
“What the fuck,” he murmurs, running his hand through his hair as he looks back at them. “You two are going to be the death of me. Fuck, if mommy and daddy could see us now.”
“They're rolling in their grave at the mere fact that we are finally finding some ounce of happiness.” I know Scar says it as a joke but no doubt it’s factual.
“I’m certain they are sis,” Roman says, laughing as he turns to me, “Though I know momma would be proud Jade.” Now it’s me who gasps out loud at the mention of my dead mother. “Not only of the woman you’ve become, but of the mom I know you’ll be.” I never met her, but Roman was about three years old when she died, and it means everything to me to hear him say that.