Page 97 of The Monster in Me
“Let me fucking go, Sebastian, someone needs to teach this bitch a lesson. Apparently no one taught her to keep her fucking paws off what doesn’t belong to her.”
“You’re the one that needs to be taught to stop trying to date out of your rank. Sebastian, stop slumming it with the help. You need to wake up darling, this bitch is trash, you are so far out of her league. We already lost Ace, you still have a chance to make it.”
Jade starts to laugh hysterically, and it’s both terrifying, worrying, and fucking sexy as hell.
“What will it take for you to learn to stay the fuck out of our business. Whatever Sebastian and I have, your feeble little mind could never comprehend.”
“You’re the one who doesn’t seem to comprehend sweetheart. There is no Sebastian and you. Don’t you get it, even if I weren’t in the picture, his father would never allow him to be with anyone like you. You're nothing but a placeholder, a pastime, something to keep him entertained until the real thing comes along. There is no future here for you, especially not with him.”
The anger that is coursing through me from the venom coming from Kinsley’s mouth is blinding. Rage once again wins the battle in me, but just as I’m about to smack the hell out of the bitch myself, my girl beats me to the punch. Or in this case slap.
“You’re the one who’s out of her fucking mind.” Jade pushes past me and slaps Kinsley across the face, reaching out and taking a huge chunk of blond hair with her free hand. It takes me a moment to react, but when I do, I wrap my arms around Jade trying to haul her off of Kinsley, while Ace jumps in and does the same to Kins. I am so tempted to let my girl have at her, but we’re still on stage surrounded by our eager classmates chanting “Cat Fight” off the top of their lungs and hollering loudly, while the Headmistress and other staff stand back watching with unbelieving expressions. I manage to pull Jade off of her, kicking and screaming for me to put her down, when I do she manages to compose herself. “You’re lucky to still have teeth. You might be pretty thanks to daddy’s money which bought you that new nose and those perky tits, but I have something daddy can’t buy you with his black card.” Jade proceeds to do something I never fucking though she would, turning sideways to show off the small curve of her stomach.
I can’t help feeling a sense of pride, relief, and overall excitement at the simple gesture. Kinsley’s eyes go wide as do everyone else's’ as loud gasps are heard in the crowd. Oh fuck. For added emphasis Jade steps forward still cradling her stomach, “Just so there’s no confusion in your peroxide riddled brain Kins, this is Bass’s baby, a baby he fucked into me after turning you down over and over again.” Tears start streaming down Kinsley’s face, a mixture of embarrassment and realization surely going through her mind. “How’s that for being out of his league? You were practically stalking him, vagina out and ready to go and nothing, while I on the other hand, well he’s been begging me not to let him out.”
“You fucking bitch!” Kinsley charges at Jade but Ace is quick to wrap his arms around her waist hauling her into the air. “You gold-digging slut, you managed to trap him. Getting pregnant with the hope that he’d be yours. I wouldn’t be so sure it’s yours Sebastian, we all know Liam’s been following her little tail.”
It happened so fast we didn’t even see it coming, one minute Kinsley is there spewing venom from her lips the next she is screaming bloody murder. Her perfect little nose is no more, it's dripping blood and a little crooked from what I can see. She holds it while kicking up the dramatics, Stella is shaking out her hand like she just punched a brick wall instead of Kinsley's plastic fucking face. “Stay the hell away from my cousin Kinsley! He doesn’t want you, he will never want you.” She turns away to wince from the pain that is surely shooting up her arm from the shitty punch she threw. She spins again, getting a second wind “And another thing, don't you ever charge at my best friend again. If you try to hurt my niece or nephew, I'll kick your ass bitch!” Stella fake lunges at her for good measure and to all of our amusement Kinsley flinches and runs off. We all stand in shock that Stella, our resident fairy princess, just threw what could be her first ever punch, cursed out and threatened Kinsley all in one moment. Apparently I'm not the only one surprised by her behavior, collectively we all have the same expression. Shocked and utterly bemused by our sweet little warrior. She realizes everyone’s eyes on her and shyly says “What? Those two are pregnant and somebody had to put her ass in place!”
Jade and Scar didn’t need anything else before they tackled her in a group hug. Laughing like lunatics for like five minutes they looked like proud big sisters. Jade grabs her face with two hands and kisses her forehead in a loud smooch “Thanks for the backup, Billy Badass.”