Page 14 of Immortal Throne
I twisted to the side and glanced down. Normally a blob with a few lines streaking out, my scar had grown, morphing into an image of a burning flame. “What the hell?”
“Now look at mine.” His expression held no lust, only anger danced in his gaze like flames as he ripped his shirt open to expose the scar I’d glimpsed earlier.
Only it wasn’t a scar. He had a brand that matched mine.
“The symbol of the damned,” he said, loosening his painful grip on my wrists. “The demon brand. All demons carry the mark. Even half breeds like you.”
A hysterical laugh bubbled up my throat. This guy was a nut job.
“And let me guess, you’reone hundred percentdemon?” Now that I believed. The rest of this was complete nonsense. “Are all demons such dicks, or just you?”
“Your human half has dulled your senses and watered down your power. I had to push you to see the truth. I will make no apologies for it.”
That made no sense. He wasn’t even expecting me today. “Is Becca a demon, too, then?”
He surged forward, snaking his hand around my neck so he gripped me by the base of my head. His skin seared mine on contact. “No. She’s your friend. I wanted more information on you before we met. But, luckily, I got you instead. And now that you know the truth, you will do as I say.”
His words traveled over me, seductive and alluring. I wanted him to keep speaking, to have his deep voice rumble along my skin like phantom fingers.
But the other part of me needed him to get off me and let me go.
I kneed him in the balls.
He didn’t have time to block the shot this time. He groaned and bent forward, and in that moment, my training kicked in and I ducked under his arms to break free from his control. I wouldn’t stand there and let him manhandle me anymore. I heard what he had to say, and it was absolute garbage.
“Fuck you. I’m done being your servant,” I said. “I don’t care if we have matching scars. You can go to Hell.”
“Interesting choice of words,” he muttered under his strained breath, still bent over and leaning against the wall.
He didn’t move to chase me, so I slipped out of the office and made a hasty retreat.
A loud roar ripped through the building, shaking the elevator as it carried me to my freedom along with the remaining wad of cash in my pocket. Wow. I’d had a lot of weird jobs in the past, but this one took the cake.