Page 53 of Immortal Throne
What in the fresh hell was this? They all faced the same direction. Little protrusions of rocks jutted out of the magma. Ropes hung down from thick wooden beams that ran overhead. Across the liquid death, a golden archway awaited. Presumably, that was the exit, but a whole lot of nope stood in my way.
This looked like a cross between a game where the floor was lava and a ninja training course. Demons might be responsible for this trial, but they obviously followed reality television from the mortal realm.
The ground I stood on rumbled and shook beneath my feet. Magma sloshed along the edges.Yeah, I’m not hanging around for this shit.
I leapt forward onto the next rock. It shuddered under my weight. My heartbeat thudded, the pumping in my veins so loud it consumed my hearing.
Behind me, the magma engulfed the platform I had stood on moments ago.
Ryker and the others had also moved forward, many were ahead, all moving toward what looked like a large common platform.
Yeah, that looked like a death trap waiting to happen. Straightening on my little perch, I scanned the layout. If I went around the large platform, I could still make it to the exit portal. Some of the rocks were spaced too far apart, but I could make it if I used the ropes.
Biting my lip, I let my mind work through the possibilities. I didn’t want to die today, and this test wasn’t really about intelligence, so much as physical stamina and if those rope ladders were any inclination, strength.
Gritting my teeth, I moved. Instead of heading to the center like everyone else, I made my way around the side. My muscles burned as I jumped from rock to rock, each leap longer until I made it to the last one before the ropes.
Cries and screams echoed along the ravine. The others had reached the central platform and fights had broken out.
One of the white horned demons shoved another demon, one with small black scales, over the edge. The scaly demon screeched in pain, quickly engulfed by the magma.
Before the white horned demon could revel in her victory, another demon drove his long, spike-like talons into her back.
I swallowed, my heart threatening to punch free of my ribcage.
“Are you going to move?” A familiar deep voice spoke behind me.
My footing slipped. I flung my arms out, windmilling in the air. I bent my legs and dropped into a crouch, my hand snagging onto the rock. I gripped it, hard, the jagged surface digging into my fingertips.
“That was close,” Ryker said.
I cursed and whipped my head around to glare at him. “It was close because you scared the crap out of me.”
He perched on the rock formation behind me, poised to leap onto my rock. “Would you prefer me to push you off the ledge like our comrades?” he asked.
I snorted and turned back to study the next hurdle. I needed to reach the rope, but it dangled over the bubbling magma. I could run and jump for it, but if I missed…
Game over.
“I have a suggestion,” Ryker called out.
“If it’s anything about my ass or your view, you keep it to yourself.” I swiped at the sweat dripping down my face.
“It wasn’t, but now that you mention it…”
I gripped the rock harder and glared at him over my shoulder.
He still crouched low, keeping his weight evenly distributed over the smaller rock formation.
“Look. There’s enough room on your rock for both of us. Let me anchor you so you can reach out and grab the first rope. Once you’re on, you can swing to the next rock, and I’ll get the rope once it swings back this way.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Why would you help me?”
“It’s mutually beneficial. I don’t feel like dying in magma soup today.” He sighed and straightened from his crouch. “Look, I’m more vulnerable in this situation than you. If you wanted, you could push me off your rock the moment I jump over, or you could damage the final rope so I can’t escape.”
I tapped my chin as if I’d ever consider sabotaging someone like that. “How do you know I won’t?”