Page 11 of Secret Obsession
I risked a sideways glance.
His T-shirt looked like a second skin as it hugged his physique divinely. I wished I could stare blatantly at the outlines of his powerful body, or better yet, run my hands over…
Whoa! What was wrong with me? I was at work. This was completely inappropriate behavior from a professional.
“What floor?” he asked me. His voice was deep and gruff as if he had spent the last twelve hours moaning during a night of passionate sex.
My head jerked up to gape at him.
He had a face worthy of more than ogling, with a strong masculine jaw. His mysterious hooded eyes were gray, the color of storm clouds, adding even more to his enigma. Two scowl lines pinched his brow, and I had a feeling they were a permanent fixture. I wondered if they would smooth out if I kissed them.
A short scar ran over his eyebrow, splitting the arch in the middle. Another deep scar marred his cheek under his eye while three shorter scratch marks lay on his other cheek ending near his lips.
Oh, so kissable lips.
My tongue darted out before I could stop myself. Images filled my mind of my tongue running over that scar above his eye, over his lips, along his jaw.
His hand hovered near the elevator panel buttons as he glared at me. His eyes seemed to darken like a tempest swirling in. “What. Floor?” he asked in a harsh tone.
Was he angry? I searched his eyes, and he searched mine.
He had the same expression I’d often seen in my clients when they were frustrated with themselves, angry at their addiction, yet hopeful at the same time. Frustrated that they had given in to temptation. Hopeful that they were getting over it.
Hawk was furious, but not at me. I was certain that whatever was going on inside his mind had nothing to do with me.
“Oh, fifth plea—” I said as my voice broke on my last word. If he didn’t recognize me, he might recognize my voice.
Or maybe our encounter at the shelter had been meaningless to him. Like a stranger you brush past on the street. Easily and completely forgettable.
He pressed the button and ignored me after that.
What was he doing here? HR hadn’t sent any new hire notices, so chances were he was a patient…I meant, a client. Stupid prestigious clinic policy forced us to call anyone who used our medical or therapeutic services a client.
Either way, that meant he was totally off-limits. Another strict company rule and one I fully stood behind.
Unless he was here to see…
Pfft! Don’t be ridiculous, Lila. Impossible.Why would he want to see me? And how would he know where I worked?
I turned my head and stared at the wall while alphabetically reciting in my mind the list of hormones.Adiponectin. Adrenaline. Adrenocorticotropic…
Anything to get my own hormones under control, but it wasn’t working. I took a deep inhale to calm myself. But his scent reached me and sent tingles over my skin. He smelled of rain. Or rather, the scent before a storm. I’d always loved the few moments before a downpour, that deceptive calmness, the sharp, earthy smell, and the static buzz in the air.
In the confines of this elevator, I felt like a storm was brewing. Hawk was an electrifying presence at my side. The elevator finally dinged, and the doors opened to the fifth floor, releasing the pressure of the mounting static electricity.
“After you.” He motioned with his hand that I should walk out ahead.
I hurried past him and nodded my thanks, then dashed into the women’s bathroom to hide. I splashed water on my face and glared at my reflection. “You idiot. What the hell was that all about?”
My reflection didn’t answer. The heat in my body slowly dissipated while I chased the images of the sexy-ass…
I shook my head to drive the images of the fine-as-fuck…
I slapped myself. “Stop it! Get all the thoughts of that man out of your head.” After a good five minutes of driving myself crazy wondering what he was doing here, I made my way to my friend Mae’s office. Maybe I could bounce ideas off her.
But the door to office 502 was closed, which meant she was still with a client. With a heavy sigh, I turned and walked back to the elevator. I was having lunch alone today.