Page 74 of Secret Obsession
Thenextmorning,Iwoke up with a jolt. “Oh shit!”
Hawk jumped out of bed, crouched in a fighting stance, and scanned his surroundings. “What?”
“My volunteer shift at the shelter. What time is it? I have to go.”
Hawk relaxed his body, crawled back into bed, and closed his eyes. “It’s been taken care of. Go back to sleep.”
I poked him. “What do you mean, taken care of?”
“I called the volunteer committee and told them to cover both our shifts.”
“Few days ago.” He pulled up the covers. “Get some sleep. You’ll need it.”
“A few days ago? That was very presumptuous of you.”
He peeled one eyelid open and arched his brow.
I huffed. “Okay, fine. I’m here. But I might have said no.”
“Impossible,” he stated matter-of-factly.
“You think I’m powerless against your charm?”
“You’re powerless against something, but it sure as hell isn’t my charm. I’ve never had any.”
That was true. He wasn’t the type to woo a woman off her feet with charisma. Instead, Hawk was a force of nature that had sucked me into a whirlwind. His electrifying presence, the raging storm in his eyes, and the sheer force of his will consumed me.
My stomach growled. I was still exhausted and could have used more sleep, but I needed sustenance before rest. “I’m hungry.”
“Then call room service.”
Yep, Hawk was definitely not the gentlemanly type. I doubted he’d ever pulled a chair out for his date. Speaking of… It reminded me of my date with Ricardo. That coward. I looked over at Hawk, who was either the fastest person on earth to fall asleep or he was pretending to be so I wouldn’t bother him anymore. He might not do all those little things to impress a woman, but he was no coward. A guy like Ricardo would have never protected me from Rothwell.
I leaned in and whispered, “Hawk?”
No response. His breathing was slow and even. But that wouldn’t fool me. If he had the type of life I thought he had, he’d be a pro at bluffing and regulating his breaths.
I sat up. “Well, I guess since you’re sleeping, I won’t order you any food then.”
Without opening his eyes, without even the barest of movement except for his mouth, he said, “Omelet with cheddar and mushrooms. Add extra onions—scratch that, don’t want onion aftertaste to ruin my palette the next time I lick your pussy.”
I giggled and ordered breakfast. Luckily, the receptionist knew which suite I was calling from because I had no clue. I’d been too distracted last night to pay attention to things like a room number on the door.
Food was on the way, and my volunteer shift was covered. That left one thing to settle.
Me: Can you keep Karma for the weekend?
Crazy Bestie: The entire weekend????? Hell yeah. Who are you shacking up with? I’ll break out the champagne.
I couldn’t tell her. She’d probably come over here and force me to leave.
Me: Got to go. Thanks for looking after my pooch. Luv ya. Bye.