Page 99 of Secret Obsession
“Nana, sleeping with the fishes means dead.”
“No, it doesn’t. It means…oh right. I mixed that one up. Oops.” She giggled. “I haven’t had this much fun since my Charlie was alive.”
“Someone explain to me where Hawk is right now before I send a shitstorm on your doorstep.”
“Now, Leo, that is no way to talk to a lady, you riffraff. There’s no need to get your boxers in a bunch. I haven’t called the fuzz, and the pilot is going to be fine.”
“Going to be? Why is he not fine now? And why do you keep calling him a pilot?”
“Useless questions. We’ve got bigger problems. I think you should come over and take out the fish.”
“What fish? Lady, what the hell are you talking about?”
I grabbed the phone from Nana. “Yes, hello, is this Leo?”
“My name is Lila. Does that mean anything to you?”
My stomach sank. It shouldn’t have, but Leo was Hawk’s most-called person, and he had no idea who I was. Hawk hadn’t mentioned me to the one person he trusted the most.
“Are you close to Hawk?”
“I need to talk to someone he works with. The person he trusts the most.”
“Keep talking.”
“I think you should come over.”
My living room was getting crowded. Me. Nana. Six dead bodies. A tied-up and gagged Butch, blubbering over his daughter’s death. Five strangers scowling at me. And Leo, who looked like he could barely stand. I thought about offering him a chair, but I didn’t want to offend the underboss by insinuating he was weak.
Nana pointed at Fiona. “I took care of this one myself.”
All six men looked at Nana dubiously.
“Don’t believe me, huh?” She waggled a finger at them. “Ask my Lila here. Of course, she helped.”
Leo turned to me. “What happened?”
Nana shuffled forward. “Struck the floozy with my bat, I did. If I hadn’t, we’d be the dead ones. It’s all thanks to me we’re safe. Well, Hawk helped a little.”
Leo arched a questioning eyebrow.
“Nana, why don’t you make our guests some tea?”
“Fine. Fine. As long as they know who saved the day.” She made her way to the kitchen.
I took a deep breath. “They broke into my home in the middle of the night. Tied us up. Nana and Hawk got out of their bindings. Nana hit Fiona with a bat. Hawk killed the five men, beat up Butch. Fiona stabbed Hawk and slashed at him. He passed out…and I …k-k-killed Fiona. Then I patched up Hawk, and now we’re all here.”
I took a life. Years ago, I’d taken an oath I vowed to uphold. Do no harm.
But, last night, I killed someone.