Page 14 of Hiding Forever
I stand at the threshold to the pool house, my gaze fixed on the main house in the distance.
I really don’t want to do this, but I don’t want to be rude, either. Gigi has been beyond kind to me by letting me stay, knowing I’m possibly a danger to her and anyone else here.
With Nova visiting, it could be only a matter of time before the paparazzi are camped outside. No more morning surfing. So far it’s been safe. No one has a clue where I am, but all it takes is one picture of me to change that—to change everything.
Although a pasta buffet sounds delicious, I’d rather eat alone. When I first arrived, I participated in a couple of Gigi’s parties. She’s always hosting something. Game Show Night. Tarot Card Night. Yoga Under the Stars Night. Mexican Fiesta Night.
I get it. She doesn’t like to go out into the public any more than I do, so she invites friends to visit her. I didn’t, however, know it was part of the deal to stay here.
Gigi said Nova would be at the dinner, but I get the feeling that girl wants her privacy, too. After all the negative media attention, I would want to disappear for a while if I were her.
A shadowed figure emerges from the landscaped pathway that leads to the main house. The person seems to be carrying a tray. Inez? I appreciate the way she loves to feed people, but she doesn’t need to be catering to me whatsoever. I’ve told her that a few times. I grew up being waited on. My dad treats his staff like a nuisance. He’s not kind or caring the way Gigi is to her employees. She treats them like family. Maybe that’s why they are so good to her.
“I’m glad you’re here, or else I don’t know how I would have knocked on the door,” a sweet, familiar voice says. Nova stops a few feet away from me, carrying a large, covered tray. “I brought you food.”
I hurry over and take the tray from her shaking arms. “Let me help.”
“Thank you.” She sounds relieved. “The tray got heavier the farther I walked.”
The scents of tomatoes and cheese fill my nose when I inhale.Mmm.“I’m sorry. Did you say you brought me food?”
“Well, us. I brought us food, if that’s okay?” She crosses her hands in front of her, her palms touching.
She looks cute and innocent, in a way that doesn’t match the sexy curves of her body. Normally, I’d be staring at her boobs, which are now shoved together between her arms, or trying to not stare at them, but with Nova, I can’t get past her face. She’s so damn pretty.
She raises her eyebrows, and I realize I haven’t answered yet. “It’s fine. Thank you. Did Gigi tell you to do this?” Because why else would she?
She clears her throat. “I took it upon myself to save us both from enduring the dinner party.”
I can’t help but chuckle. “You didn’t want to join Pasta Night?”
“From the look on your face when I got here, I’d guess you didn’t want to join, either.”
“I was debating whether or not to go. I’m not big into social gatherings these days.” I shrug with the tray in my hands.
“I know the feeling.” She steps to my side. “Should we go in?”
“Oh. Yeah. Uh, come in.” I follow her through the open glass door and to the dining table near the small kitchen.
She clears away the decorative place settings and table runner. “You can put the tray here.”
“Thanks.” I set it on the table.
Nova pulls out a chair on the end and rests her knee on it as she lifts the lid from the tray.
Warm, rich aromas assault my nose, and I salivate. “That smells amazing.”
“Inez is a bit controlling but she’s one hell of a cook.” Nova points to the bowls. There are several. “This is traditional marinara sauce. These are meatballs. This is grilled chicken, and this is fettuccine sauce. This bowl has pasta carbonara with prosciutto.” She points to two other bowls. “This has a garlic and wine sauce. This is spaghetti noodles, and these are cauliflower noodles. I couldn’t fit salads on the tray or dessert, but I can go back and get some if you’d like.”
“Nova, this is perfect and more than enough. I can’t believe you carried all this from the main house.”
“Me, neither.” She rolls her shoulders. “I’ll get us some plates.” In the kitchen, she opens a cabinet, grabs two plates, and gathers silverware from a drawer. She’s familiar enough with the suite to know where everything is.
I notice we don’t have drinks. I head to the refrigerator as Nova passes me on her way to the table. “I only have bottled water, sports drinks, and beer. Any of those sound good?”