Page 33 of Hiding Forever
Me: Okay.
Gigi: You won’t regret it! I’ll send you the details once I know more.
Me: Great.
Gigi: See you then.
This will definitely be me doing something I want to avoid. Implementing self-improvement and personal development blog advice, check.
I glance out the open balcony doors to the pool house in the distance and wonder whether Riley will attend Game Show Night. My guess is no. He’s probably still walking back, so I don’t go out on the balcony where he could see me spying on him. My new distraction, as unhealthy as it might be.
Mom always tells me to take it slow and get to know a person before moving into anything serious. And by serious, she means sex of any kind. Not once does she mention catching feelings for a person, like relationships aren’t built on emotions. Although, I can’t say I’ve ever really felt much for any of the guys I’ve dated. In truth, it always seemed like they were using me for something. My connection to the great Gia Gardner. Her connections to Hollywood icons. My family’s money and fame. What I can do for their image. Justice thought I’d be great for his image because I didn’t have a tumultuous past or too much tabloid appeal. He said I was sweet and innocent. I suppose, in celebrity standards, I have a clean image, or I did before Justice cheated on me and then dumped me to marry that very girl. Now I’m just the sad, pathetic, overweight ex.
I glance down at my body, my hips, ample chest, and thighs.
“I’m not overweight,” I declare but can’t say I believe myself.
I miss my dad. I miss the normalcy of his life.