Page 42 of Hiding Forever
I finish my trading for the day. The market was shit, but I still made a good profit. It took me longer than an hour, but only because my thoughts kept distracting me. Nova, with those swinging hips and haunting eyes, is all-consuming.
Does she have any clue how sexy she is?
I meant it when I told her Justice is a fool. From what I know and have seen of Nova, she’s much more of a woman than the bony Hope Collins. But then, I like my girls curvy and soft. Why would any guy want to caress abs as tight as his own on a chick? Plus, I like big tits. All guys do, and those who say they don’t are lying. Not that a guy can’t be attracted to a girl who’s flat…just not this guy.
I’m about to text Nova when an email alert appears. It’s from the account I don’t use anymore but still monitor, and it’s from…holy shit. No way.
I open the email.
This may not reach you ever but in the off chance that it does, I’m sending it. I’ve tried finding you, but you are one elusive son of a bitch. I mean that as a compliment. If I can’t find you, then no one else can either. I assume you’re still in hiding or else you would have contacted me. I miss you, man, and I have some big news.
I’m getting married. Yes. You read that correctly. And no, not to Harper, which I assume would be your first thought. I’m not that crazy. Harper was fun but that relationship ran its course. My fiancée is Kensington. I’ve mentioned her a few times in the past, I’m sure. She’s a family friend and the love of my life. I realize how sappy that sounds, but it’s true, man. I’m in love and it’s amazing. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and as one of my best friends (gone but not forgotten), I wanted you to know. You would have been my best man. Sebastian, too, had he survived. I’d love to tell you about her and the wedding, but this email would get really long. Honestly, I don’t know much about the wedding details. Between Kensington, my mom, and her mom, everything is covered. I show up when needed, do what I’m told, help where I can, and let them do the rest. They like being in charge, which works just fine for me.
If you get this, know you’re missed. I hope you’re doing well and staying safe. If you ever want to reach out, my number is the same. I understand if I never hear from you. If you ever need anything from me, do not hesitate to ask. I added the engagement link with a pic of me and Kensington. Take care.
I click the link. A news article from Dallas, Texas pops up with a picture of Nathan and a hot chick with maroon hair. She doesn’t look familiar, but he said she’s a family friend. Maybe she’s from Texas where he grew up and where his family resides. The article says Nathan still lives in Orlando. Huh.
We used to live in Winter Park when we attended college. Did he move? And engaged? Already?
I sit back and exhale. Before I was put in witness protection, Nathan was dating Harper. She was hot, too, with huge fake tits, but the games she played were toxic. I had no doubts they wouldn’t last, but I never imagined he’d be getting married. Nathan was a partier. It’s only been a year since I’ve been gone. Damn, a lot can happen in twelve months.
I considered reaching out to him more than a dozen times, but I never did, believing it is safer for him. Agent Keller was always telling me the less my old friends know, the safer they’d be.
I remember Nathan talking about a girl named Kensington a few times when he was drunk. When he was sober, he referred to her as his cousin. After some liquor though, Kensington seemed more like an unattainable obsession. Guess he figured a way around the family and his fears.
I study the picture. Nathan looks happy and at ease in a way I’ve never seen. Must be true love.
The wedding date is set for this fall.
Maybe I should reply, let him know I’m well, and wish him the best. Or maybe I should wait until I test the waters and make a few public appearances, like Agent Keller suggested. I’ve kept Nathan distant for a reason—his safety. Until I know I’m not a target, it’d be best if I don’t interfere with his life, especially now that he’s getting married. I’d hate to do something to ruin that for him.
Yeah. I’ll wait a little while longer before getting in touch. It’s the right thing to do.
“Congrats, man,” I murmur and close the email, truly happy for Nathan. He deserves to be content. One day we’ll reunite and pick up where we left off—if he isn’t too angry with me for hiding out for so long. I’m sure he knows I’m not in witness protection. His ex-military family owns a security business that has connections and access to people and intel out of reach to most. The fact that he hasn’t found my new cell number means with the help of Agent Keller and Cooper, I’ve done well at hiding from society.
A burst of excitement hits me at the thought of seeing Nathan again in the future. Maybe sooner than I had anticipated.
My phone dings.
Hey. It’s been almost two hours. If you’ve changed your mind about the kittens, I’ll understand. If not, and you’ve avoided me for worthy reasons, get your ass to the lawn by the pool. The kittens are here!!!
I jump up so quickly I almost knock over the chair. That’s a surprising response.
I calm myself as I make my way to the pool deck.
As soon as I’m outside, I spot Nova standing next to a lady with curly brown hair and a tall, skinny dude with earrings, nose rings, bleached hair, and a ton of tattoos.
I raise my hand to shield my eyes from the bright sun and notice the way Tattoo Boy is staring at Nova. Or, more accurately, staring down her sweater, which hangs off one shoulder. Her beaded nipples are visible from here. Is she not wearing a bra?
I march more than walk over to her and the eager fellow. The lady with the curly hair has the kittens in a plastic fence that looks like a playpen my sister has for her two-year-old daughter.